New Game

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II was flown up to their plane, which I heard them call a quinjet, by Iron man. There he sat me down on a bench by the wall and bounded my hands tightly opposing Steve's request of letting me be unrestricted. He compromised by tying them together in front where I could see them and at least sit comfortably instead of tying them behing my back. I felt the jet started moving. I wondered where Natasha was, I didn't see her anywhere around the jet and she didn't come to fight either. I glared at the group. While Steve was sitting next to me everyone else (and by that I meant Tony and the blond man) were standing around the arrow man mending his wounds, probably caused by my shooting. I surprisingly didn't feel guilty. At least not as much as I thought I would since I escaped my days of being an assassin. He was standing in my way of freedom. In my defense, I was simply trying to scare off Iron man and Captain America when I made the shots and it's not my fault he just happened to stand in my line of fire.

"You'll be alright, Barton, she only grazed you a couple times," Tony gave the man, presumably named Barton, a comforting look. He was playing with the highly advanced technological hologram of Barton's body and wounds. It was probably showing him where the real damage's been done and what has to be mended.

I studied the fourth man. He did seem familiar in some way, but I definitely didn't have to deal with him on my previous missions with Hydra. I assumed he's new. His dirty blond hair was tied in a low ponytail now and was not flowing in the air like before. His eyes were as blue as the sky on the most beautiful sunny day. They were sitting above a wide nose under which thin mouth were covered with a thick beard. He was wearing a sleeveless vest which I haven't seen before on any other soldier or agent. It had a set of silver circle and square plaques on his chest connected with chain mail around his upper body. He was wearing a leather tunic underneath and also his pants were leather but I could barely see them because of the strong boots he was wearing that reached his knees. The weirdest thing I noticed was the red cape that was flowing from his shoulders and almost reaching the floor behind his heels. It looked like silk because of the smooth shine it gave but stronger and it was flowing lightly with every step he'd make.

He was glaring at me from across the room paying little attention to Barton and almost all of it on me. I didn't understand what his deal was but then again I couldn't blame him. I did just try to fight the Avengers in order to remain free. I still wondered why did they come after me after all this time of running away and why didn't they locate me earlier. Did they knew where I was headed and wanted to confirm their suspisions or were they just too busy to care?

"Thor, help me out here, grab his arm and lift it from his chest I need to get better acces," Tony requested and the blond obeyed. Thor. I knew of him. He was the legendary god of thunder from a place called Asgard. I read about him in the Avengers file back at the Hydra base, but I obviously didn't memorize it well enough. It should've been obvious that he was a god. I mean just look at him. His height and width itself should've alerted me about it. Maybe I was just too tired to function properly.

When I turned my head away from the consistent gaze of the thunder god I saw Steve studying my face with his worried expression which seemed he wore quite frequently. You know, being this close, I think I even saw a bit of green in the blue of his eyes.

"Katrina, I know you might not want to talk before we get to the compound, but I knew you were with Bucky. Where is he?" His voice echoed and filled the room. They knew I'd lead them to Bucky or they at least hoped. I remembered telling Steve that I'll find the Soldier and I did, I just hoped I'd be able to stick with him as well.

I didn't have an answer to give him, Bucky left and he didn't want to be anywhere near Steve or me, apparently. The thought of that still hurt. So I remained quiet and kept looking at the ground as I gently rocked myself back and forth trying to stay calm and avoid biting my nails more.

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