Moment of Weakness

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There was no time left to re-think our options or even to sneeze at this point. Soldiers came barging through the door and I barely managed to recollect myself to get up and push my mom behind me, Natasha and Bucky who lined up beside me. I knew they were Garry's men. The assassins of each side of me started throwing punches, Natasha even pulled out her Glock 19 pistol and started shooting never to miss a single target. Not that it helped much. The soldiers were pouring through the door like running water which didn't seem to have an end.

In all of this mess I almost forgot about my mother and suddenly I felt her tug my collar and drag me behind Nat and Bucky. She started talking but I couldn't hear her due to the combat of punching and gun shots going on behind me.

"What??" I yelled only to see her annoyed face when she pulled me closer and shouted in my ear.

"We have to check if Polina, Aida and Vadim are okay!!" And with that she ran towards the window to try and open it, but was prevented from doing so by some soldiers shooting the window from the outside.

We were pretty much trapped, the open doorway to the kitchen was our only way out since the kitchen also held a door to the backyard, but there was no way of reaching it because of all the soldiers blocking our exit. Even so, I knew I had to reach the upper floor somehow, I had to make sure my family's safe. Just then Natasha yelled, "Clear!" and I saw her run through the door with Bucky following close behind, now with his own handgun which was probably given to him by Nat. I pulled my mother after them and she wanted to run upstairs immediately but I held her sleeve. She looked at me confused. I hesitated. I couldn't simply leave Bucky and Nat down here to get captured since I saw a big amount of soldiers still lining up in front of the house, but I also couldn't leave my mother to go upstairs alone since there may be more of Garry's minions there just waiting for us.

Bucky glanced over his shoulder back at me and saw my hesitation. "Go!" he yelled, "We got this covered!"

I nodded reluctantly, not wanting to leave him to chance, and pulled my mother after me. I felt quite unprotected as I didn't hold any type of weapon in my hand to make me feel safer, but I didn't hold back. It was quite quiet up here. It seemed that the soldiers left out the second floor since they probably saw all their targets through the windows sitting in the same room already. We entered Polina's room and surely enough we saw all three of my siblings hurdled together on the bed, Vadim hugging Aida and Polina hugging them both.

"Katrina!" Aida shouted as soon as she saw me and ran into my arms. I lifted her up as she cried on my shoulder.

"Mom, what's going on down there? Is everyone okay?" Polina asked and walked closer to us holding Vadim's hand.

Mom slowly caressed her cheek and smiled. "I'm glad you're okay," she murmured, "but we need to get out of here as soon as possible. Those soldiers are bound to find us any second now."

"Are they here to kill us?" Vadim asked. I looked at my brother. I haven't seen much of him since we came here and didn't know how he felt, but right now he seemed as scared as a deer running from a hunter.

"Unfortunately, yes," I said firmly, "Bucky and Natasha are holding them at the front door, but I don't know if they can hold on much longer. Is there any other exit from the house?"

Mom and Polina nodded in unison. "There's a tunnel in the basement leading to the park nearby. It connects to it under one of the playground castle slides. That is, if the caretakers haven't found a hole and filled it out yet," Yulia quickly explained.

I nodded, "Alright, follow me. As soon as we reach the bottom floor I want you to run for the basement like your life depends on it, because it does."

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