Saviour of the Day

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Bucky's POV

I did as Katrina told me and led the two kids across town and into our apartment. I was panicking the whole way, but decided I should keep my calm for the sake of these kids. I mean the girl was only like what, nine? I know that they saw how the guards took Katrina down and dragged her back into the house, I think that was the only reason why they trusted me more than their father. They hung on to me with every step. Only when we were safely locked behind doors they started asking questions.

"Who the hell were those people?" The boy started asking. "Why did they take Katrina? Is my father one of them? Who are you?"

"What's gonna happen to Katrina? Why did we leave her behind?" Little girl's eyes radiated sorrow and fear and I could feel all of it.

I felt bad that the only one keeping them safe was me who was in general the most dangerous person to be around. If Hydra would get to the apartment they could turn me back to the Winter Soldier and the kids would end up under my fist, not theirs. Their innocent faces would end up dead because of me. As I was looking at them I could already imagine how their pupils would slowly lose all life.

I shook my head. Now's not the time to think about stuff like that. You need to keep them calm, Barnes, that's why Katrina trusted you with them. She wants you to keep them secure and that's what you'll do.

"Katrina's been captured. Your father is part of the organisation we've been so restlessly trying to escape from," I said and grabbed one of Katrina's backpacks she kept on the coathangers. Then I walked into her bedroom to her closet. I would never go into a girl's closet with such undecency, but she told me once that if anything happens, there's a bunch of guns and amo behind one door of her wardrobe.

"What organisation? Who are you exactly?" The boy asked.

For some reason I couldn't remember their names, which made it harder to explain the situation to them as they were like strangers to me. I couldn't simply rat out everything I know, it would put them in danger.

"Listen, boy-" I started, but he cut me off.

"Vadim. And Aida," he trusted me with their names again. "I have a feeling you're not Thomas."

I had to admit, Vadim was pretty smart. Well, he was nineteen afterall, he wasn't really a kid anymore and biologically I wasn't much older than him. He gained my respect.

"You're right, it's Bucky. I don't have time to explain my whole life story, all you gotta know is that I was Hydra's most dangerous soldier, Hydra being the organisation I talked about and your father is a part of it. Katrina was envolved too. We worked together and now we're trying to escape it."

I opened the wardrobe swiftly and it revealed a whole closet of guns and amo neatly stacked under every gun. Vadim's eyes were wide open.

"This is all yours?" he asked stunned.

"It's actually your sister's," I chuckled and left the boy speachless. I grabbed the gun belt and tied it around my waist after I strapped other belts and straps around my thigs and shins. I loaded my pockets with amo. Then I armed myself head to toe, I strapped an Intratec TEC-38 handgun in my right thigh holster, two Glock 19 rested strapped to my gun belt and I held the Colt M4A1 rifle in my hands. I also hid a little knife in my boot. In the drawer under the wardrobe were the bulletproof vests and I strapped one on, handing two to the kids.

I did my so quickly they didn't have time to follow my every move and just stood there awkwardly. It was only when I handed them the bulletproof vests and ordered them to put it on that they were finally able to speak again.

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