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I was tightly gripping Steve's waist with one hand while holding a riffle in the other as he drove us between the snowed trees. We had to act fast, Strucker's facility was near, we just had to break through it's security shield. Guard were coming at us, I kept me and Steve safe aiming and shooting at them, while the others did their fights beside us. I've never seen them fight like this, despite living with them for almost a year.

The air was cold and was whistling along my ears that started to turn red. Bruce did warn me that I should wear a helmet instead of my usual updo that was most of the time just a simple hairbun, but I didn't listen, as per usual. I thought I would've gotten use to the cold, but I guess I spoilt myself while in the tower.

"Kat, on your 6!" I heard Tony shout in the microphone speakers he geared us up with. I quickly rotated my back as much as I could and shot the soldiers following me and Steve with ease. I almost slipped off the bike while doing so, but I held my grip tight. Steve was one heck of a driver, but I wished he wouldn't multitask throwing his shield around that much so he would stay on even ground and not threaten me to fall off.

Natasha and Clint were driving a jeep alongside our bike with Hulk following, crushing everything and everyone in his way. Tony was hovering above us. Guards kept coming at us, but none really threatened any member of our team, we were simply too strong. We had eachother's backs. It was something I thought I would never get to experience doing on a side of heroes. I used to believe Hydra were heroes, that they could help people. Until I learned what they did and what they kept doing. I decided to always fight for the right side from now on.

I could sense the power we radiated and the fear that the guards were shaking of. I felt proud to be involved in this and most of all, I could finally get back to Strucker for what he'd done to me.

Tony flew up over our heads and headed over to the facility. I could see the smoke his thrusters left behind. I heard fire from the cannons that were blasting some sort of blue lasers. Not even five seconds after I heard a loud clink and Tony's cuss; "Shit!"

"Language!" Steve shouted into the microphone.

I chuckled so hard I think I almost dropped the gun I was holding. "You must be kidding right?"

Steve smilingly ignored me and decided to take control of the situation instead of dealing with my teasing; "What's the view from up there, Jarvis?"

I then heard the AI explain; "The central building is protected by some sort of an energy shield. Strucker's technology is way beyond any other Hydra's base we've taken." 

"Yes, Loki scepter must be in here," I heard Thor say into the headphone set. I looked to the right where I saw blasts of blue lightning and I knew the god was fighting close. "Strucker couldn't mount his defense shield without it." Then he said really quietly, "Long last..."

I knew he waited for this moment for way too long. He wanted to take that scepter since it got into Loki's hands and he didn't want other people using it against the good of humanity. Not even he knew the whole capability of the weapon but I think we all knew it was dangerous.

I shot a couple guards on my left, one came running on my right, so I straightened out my right leg and tripped him when we passed by, shooting him right after while he was lying on the floor.

"Feels wrong killing all these people again, Rogers.." I mumbled over his shoulder.

He grabbed the shield on his back and swung it into the tree in our way so it bounced off its log directly into one of the smaller tanks Strucker's soldiers had. It disabled their cannon, bounced off its iron and hit another pair of soldiers. Steve drove directly over a slope and got us hover in the air where he caught the shield which finally bounced off back to his hand. He then landed the bike with a thump and rushed onwards, while he turned to me slightly.

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