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He followed me to the counter and I slipped behind it allowing Bucky to settle on the bar stools out front. When I glanced at his face I saw he didn't particulalry enjoyed his time here, but stayed anyway as I requested.

"What can I get you?" I asked him with a cheerful voice, as I wanted to lift his spirits.

He didn't answer at first and his face seemed clueless, but then he finally said, "Whiskey."

I smiled in approval and went to grab the bottle from the shelf, while trying to hide the half empty bottle me and Masha had started. While I was making his drink, she appeared from the kitchen and slightly jumped with surprise when she saw Bucky sitting on the stool. She tiptoed over to me and whispered while looking at him warily; "What did he want? Who is he?"

I calmed her down; "Just a friend," She raised her eyebrows in suspicions and looked at me in disbelief, so I continued; "His name's Thomas, you should go talk to him, he's nice. A bit shy sometimes, perhaps."

After I assured her of Bucky's good manners she jumped in the stool next to him and her tongue started running. "Hi Thomas, I'm Masha. Where are you from? You know, you can hang your coat over there by the door."

He didn't answer.

"I like your hair," she rambled, "Do you make a ponytail with it often, maybe? I think it would suit you.."

He didn't answer.

I laid the liquor in front of him and he quickly made a big sip, almost chugging the whole drink at once. Masha looked visibly impressed, me not so much, since I knew he couldn't get drunk anyway due to his supersoldier serum that was injected in him so long ago. I wondered if I would get any time with him just so I could ask him what his plan is. However I knew that would be tough considering Masha didn't look like she intended to stop rambling anytime soon.

Masha looked a little annoyed that the man in front of her wasn't giving the same amount of enthusiasm into the conversation as she was. "What are you even doing here at 2am?" she asked while pouring herself a drink as well.

Bucky finally turned to her and murmured; "I'm here for her," he motioned in my direction with his head and went back to drinking his glass.

Masha looked confused between the two of us. "What do you mean? Are you two going on a hot date or something that I don't know about..?" she winked at me unnoticably to Bucky, but I only shot her a glare and shook my head.

"It's nothing like that. He's helping me find my fa- um.. Uncle." I became more alert after I almost made a mistake. I tried to be as calm as I could to hide it and I don't think Masha noticed it.

"Huh.. Where did you two meet?" she asked further and I saw Bucky wasn't having it. He probably regretted coming in completely.

I decided to save him from his trouble by saying; "Masha, could you leave the guy alone?"

She rolled her eyes at me playfully annoyed but complied with my request. "I'm leaving here soon, anyway. I'll leave the keys on the hanger by the door alright, Hannah?"

I nodded; "Yeah, that's fine. Have a good night, I'll see you tomorrow!" I called after her and she sent me a small smile and a wave before she grabbed her coat and walked out the door. With Matti in the kitchen me and Bucky were all alone around the counter. He was fidgeting with the now empty glass in his hands. I sat on the counter in front of him. We were about the same height now, with the higher shelf of the counter being the only barrier between us. I sat with my legs crossed and stared at him for a few minutes. He looked troubled and I could see he was in pain. I wondered what he'd been doing. But boy, did I miss him. I couldn't even believe that he's really back here right in front of me, I thought for sure I would never see him again after he left me in Jersey.

Checkmate (BuckyBarnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now