Friends are Family

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Bruce applied some oinment to my injury. I could see he was very worn out because he kept rubbing his eyes and fixing his glasses up his nose. I was staring blankly at him. Steve and Tony had gone to bed which was good, but Sam insisted on waiting for me in the hall to take me to my room. He was just too worried I might pass out on the way or something. Bruce was a good guy and I felt guilty keeping him here on my account.

"You need sleep, Bruce. You and Stark are working way too long into the nights," I tried to sound caring so he might actually listen to me.

He chuckled. "We're gonna be heading out to Sokovia soon, I'll sleep after that's taken care of." He then closed the lid of the can which he kept the oinment in and put in a drawer of one of the tables sorrounding us. "Well, you're all patched up, Kat. Feel free to go rest now." After he'd said that he sat behind the desk on which a computer was set. I sighed.

"And you'll do the same when I go?" I reproached him with a gentle smile. I could see his energy was low, but he'd probably give one of his limbs for science and knowledge.

"I will. Eventually," he sent me an assuring smile, but after he'd turned back to face the computer the grin left his lips.

I slowly approached him and laid my hands on his shoulders. I expected him to flinch or react unpleasantly but he sat still. I guess not everyone is completely immune to the softness of human touch like I was. I leaned over his right shoulder to look at the screen he was so intensively inspecting. "Gamma radiation?"

Bruce nodded. "It's what keeps the other guy going.."

"..and you want to get it out of yourself." I finished his sentence. I knew very well how he felt. Something bigger and more powerful than ourselves has entered our body system and we didn't take it all too well. We hated it, even, but it was still part of us and will probably be 'till the rest of our lives.

"It's what I've been trying to do since it became part of me," he explained. I frowned. He wasn't taking it well, but I couldn't find the words to calm him. I searched his expression. His forehead was wrinkled and underneath he had two worried eyes that I've rarely seen to be cheerful. He was a scientist, he was taking his issue differently than I, a soldier, have, with a more subtle approach. But we wanted the same thing. To be normal people, people who can control themselves.

He glared at me. I knew he wanted to be left alone but it was fairly late and he was tired, anyone could see that. I grinned, "I'm not leaving unless you are too."

He let out a deep breath, "I don't know how you do this, but I think I might actually listen to you and go."

I let out a triumphant 'yay' quietly before following Bruce out of the lab. He turned off the lights and headed to the elevator. "Night, Katrina. Watch out for those ghosts," he waved gently and the door closed.

I slid over to Sam who was leaning on the wall, arms crossed as always. I didn't know what his deal was, but he insisted to make sure I was okay. He, for one, didn't seem tired at all. His face even lit up a bit after I came closer, despite the lights of the hall being bright as it is. I was limping a bit because my knee was still stinging, but I didn't want him to think I'm completely damaged.

"Will I have to ask Tony to make you a wheelchair?" he joked. I sent him a threatening glare. "I swear Wilson-" I punched him lightly in the shoulder leaving him chuckle behind me as I started walking to the elevator to go to my room. He caught up with me second after which, if you ask me, was seconds too soon.

We entered the elevator and I leaned on one of the walls for support while Sam stood in the middle. His face was still brightly cheerful, but I saw the glimps of concern when he looked at my knee. He then averted his glance elsewhere before saying; "You should be careful, you know. If you go with the team it's possible you'll be meeting Hydra face to face. You think you're ready for that?"

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