Family Reunion

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"What were you talking on the phone about yesterday?" Bucky asked me carefully.

It was early in the morning but the sun was already high, because it was almost summer. We were walking towards the adress where my father supposedly lived. The GPS led us through a smaller forest that sorrounded the city and I found it suspicious. Why would a former chess player and a current political activist live on a location like this? Bucky insisted on coming on the road with me and who was I to deny his offer. I wasn't expecting to answer questions about the phone call I had before with Sam, yet Bucky asked about it anyway.

"The Avengers have a situation. They don't want me to be part of it," I explained in short. I was already nervous enough, I didn't need to be stressing about something that will probably turn out okay.

Bucky looked at me with sympathetically. I didn't return him the gaze. "And you think you should be part of it." He read my thoughts.

I did, I really did. But Natasha didn't want me and I didn't want to be a liability to their mission. Besides, how would I even get to Sokovia in such a short time? I didn't know what Ultron was capable of and knowing your enemy is what's crucial to know before a fight. I think this was the first time I backed away from one. "I think I would be a good asset to the team, but if they think they can handle it I won't stand in their way," I responded. He obviously didn't believe me because he let out a loud sigh. I decided to ignore it.

We slowly approached a smaller sized mansion in a beautiful meadow between the green trees. It's facade was a shade of light brown, with all the windows coated in white paint. In front were two cars; one was a vibrating yellow color, the other matt black. All around were small well maintained gardens with bushes and all kinds of pretty flowers in straight lines. It was almost June by now, the flowers were in full bloom, painting the outside of the house with rainbow colors. It truly was magical. I felt proud my dad was living here.

I hesitated to go closer to the house and Bucky noticed. He held my hand and said softly; "You can do this, Katrina. Your family is right there waiting for you."

I intertwined my fingers with his but my other hand was still fidgeting and playing with a loose string falling from my shirt. "I don't know Bucky, it all looks too... real to be true. I dreamt of this for almost a year."

"I dream about my family daily," he added, "And I don't even remember them properly."

I turned to him and sent him a sympathetic look. His head was lowered slightly, but the sun could still reach his eyes and give away a sparkle. I needed to do this. For myself, but also for him. He wanted me to be happy and if that's what will make him content as well, I'll do it. I walked confidently towards the entrance with Bucky behind my heels. Just as I was on the porch and held out my hand above the doorbell he prevented me from doing so. I glanced at him.


"I don't know if... I should go." He murmured slowly with an apologetic look.

"Bucky, I want you here with me."

"I am here. I just think meeting your family is a thing you should conquer yourself. I'll wait down the road and when you're ready come and meet me," he assured me.

I didn't want him to go, but he was right. If Bucky would go inside with me it would probably be either very awkward or heartbreaking. Maybe the main point in refusing to go was because he didn't want me reach something he longed for as well. I nooded and he squeezed my hand slightly in assurance before returning on the path and disappearing between the trees. I turned back to the door and took a deep breath.

"This is it, Sparrow." I straightened my posture and rang the doorbell.

I immediately heard shifting on the other side of the door and someone opened the door in a manner of seconds. Before me stood a man, his head was a little empty of hair, the ones remained were turning gray. He was of smaller height and he wore a dark purple turtleneck. The wrinkles around his eyes were small but easy to notice. He held a serious expression, but he seemed pleasant. He was my father. I recognized him almost immediately, I remembered him. A father is someone you surely never will forget.

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