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Katrina's POV

I woke up with a throbbing head and pain all over my aching body. I couldn't remember much of what happened, I could barely open my eyes. I felt a strong white light illuminating my face, warming up my cheeks. I tried to move but found out I had my arms strapped to the armrests of the chair I was seated on, my legs tied to its legs. I could barely move my head, every other part of my body was tightly strapped. I knew this meant nothing good. I hooed Bucky and the kids got away safely. Slowly my memories started slipping back and I remembered how the guards took me back into the mansion and brought me to Garry's office, where he was standing, more pissed than ever. He punched my jaw and sent blood from my split lip flying over the room.

It was hard remembering what happened after for I was really dizzy and blinded by worry. I think they somehow opened a passage that opened in the wall behind Garry's desk. They carried me through a dark hallway and brought me in this bright room where I was now kept. I think I passed out after that.

As I licked my dried lips I tasted the dried blood that dripped from my lip. I must've looked horrible. And just when I thought things were going upwards for me and Bucky. Bucky... I prayed he was safe and wouldn't be stupid enough to get here. Surely Garry didn't have the intention to kill me.

The creaking door broke my concentration and I diverted my gaze to the person who walked in. It was him. The man I waited so long to meet and I now hated with all my might.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Red Sparrow," he mocked me and stepped closer.

My eyes were burning with hatred and my mouth were closed shut. I didn't know what did he want, but I wasn't gonna give it to him. I decided I'll keep my mouth shut, no matter the cost.

"Tell me daughter, where did the Asset take my children?" He bent down so his face met mine up close.

I spat in his face. He didn't say anything, just rose up and wiped the spit from his face. "Well, if you're not gonna speak the nice way, you leave me no other choice."

He snapped his fingers and aproximately four soldiers stepped into the room and sorrounded me. They were all men dressed in heavy combat gear, they even had helmets.

"What exactly do you want from me?" I muttered.

"She speaks!" Garry mocked again. He slammed his hands to my wrists and leaned closer to my face, "Listen, you brat. Hydra's operated for way too long without their best Assets, I'm just returning you and your precious soldier back to them. That way I can regain their respect I once had. I just have to know where my children are, since you've stolen them from me!"

I grinned. "Sorry to disappoint you, but Soldat is probably long gone from this country with your children. You'll never be able to find him."

"Won't I?" The man smirked and motioned one soldier to go out of the room. When he came back he was accompained by two others and the three of them were trying to control the furious fourth man. Bucky. They had him.

They threw him on the floor in front of me. When he tried to stand up they tasered him and he collapsed back down, smoke coming from his clothes. They grabbed his shoulders and kept him kneeling. His hands were already tied tight behind his back and his mouth was clamped shut with a strong iron bond. He looked defeated. His eyes were focused on me as I stared him down. He looked like he wanted to apologize.

Garry was pacing between us while we bored into eachothers eyes. "Well, would you look at that - I have both of you! Two best soldiers of the world's most dangerous organisation right at my feet."

He laughed maniacaly in Bucky's face. I saw Barnes was not in the mood for Garry's games. "I won't hesitate to kill you if you don't tell me where Vadim and Aida are. I can just tell Hydra you've been found dead."

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