Chapter I

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         I have never been lucky when it comes to being able to talk to anyone my age, or my generation. That is, probably why I have no social life, but it is perhaps not the only reason. From a young age, I had shown signs of being highly intelligent. As soon as it was detected, I was put in the gifted program. Even going through school in the gifted program; I exceeded their expectations with top grades. They recommended that I skip a few levels. My parents and I decided to let me jump one year; to make it easier on me. But, the result of being smart has always and still is taking its toll on me. I have no friends; everyone at school avoids me. No wonder I have no self-esteem or social skills; worst of all, I live in a small countryside town, where everyone knows one another. I split my time between home and the hospital, of course, school, too. I have always despised school what so ever. I dislike being the teacher's pet, even though I am not able to avoid the title. My style gives away my awkward, geeky characteristics. I wear large glasses; my clothes only include oversized pants and shirts. I do not really take care of my long, brunette hair. I am a disappointment to my parents when it comes to social status. My parents have always been on the higher end of the social status and being intelligent. I guess I only inherited their intelligence and people skills. Both parents are well-known in the field of medicine in which they received their Ph.D.'s in. I want nothing to do with my generation; I would rather die than face them. But my life is worth living because of my parents. They have always loved me and cared for me. Being an only child, everyone expects me to be a spoiled brat. If anything, I am humble, and it is because of my parents. They showed their love from the heart. They are not just my parents; they are my best friends. They are the only reason I want to be alive. They must have this kind of personality to work their jobs. Both work at the children hospital. I go almost every day to visit the children. My parents' colleagues are like a second family to me, just as they are to my parents.

-Ashton Brooklyn Carson-

This was the first entry Ashton had ever written in her series of journals. The entry was written the summer before Ashton entered middle school. Now, she was a junior in high school. Her personality had stayed consistent with the one described in the first entry. She had kept all her thoughts and ideas in journals and kept them locked up in a chest.

Winter Break had finally arrived, and everyone who had been in the school building scattered. Ashton left with her father. They were driving to the Children Hospital. Upon their arrival, the chief of Pediatric Surgery came over to them. "Mark," he said in a frantic voice. "What's wrong?" Mark answered concerned. "I need your assistance on a surgery. Everything is already prepped for surgery." "Of course," Mark responded without hesitation. Together, they went to get prepared for the surgery. They had left Ashton in the entrance way. Ashton decided to go up a few levels to Labor and Delivery.

Ashton went to the front desk. "Excuse me Kari; Is my mother working at this time?" Ashton asked politely. Her mother's colleagues knew Ashton well; just as well as her father's colleagues. "Ashton, I think she is," Kari responded, just as politely. "That's fine; I was just wondering since I was in the building." Ashton turned to head back to the elevator. As she was, "it was great to see you," Kari yelled out. Ashton turned her head; they exchanged smiles as she left. Ashton returned to the Children's Hospital. She spent the rest of her time, with ill children.

The children adored Ashton and loved that she visited them every day. It made them happy knowing someone cared. For Ashton, it was comforting to know she was doing something amazing. It was just as easy for her to talk to the children, as it was doing her homework. They all enjoyed each other's company. Mark and his colleague returned three hours later. When they did return, Ashton said her good-byes to the children. "Honey, are you ready to head home," a father asked his daughter. "Yes, if you are," Ashton responded, as she approached the men. "I am; we need to check if your mother can come home." Right as Mark said that, his wife got off the elevator. She walked towards them, "Hey," she said, kindly. She kissed her husband's cheek and hugged her daughter. "We were just about to see if you were ready to come home." "Yes, and I will even cook tonight," that put a smile on Mark's face. "Neal, will you join us," Mark asked happily. "Mark, I do not want to intrude on your family dinner," he insisted. "You would not be intruding at all; besides you deserve a meal. You had a successful surgery." "Melanie," Neal said, still feeling like he would be intruding. "We would love having you for dinner," Melanie said, stopping the conversation.

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