Chapter XVI

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Spring was upon them, and Amy had yet to be released from therapy. During the passing months, Tilly had been enrolled in a school. Just like Jack, enrolled a grade ahead. Tilly shared her brother's and uncle's brilliance. She had adjusted to her new family seamlessly. Everyone that met her admired her. Tilly's bond with Jack strengthened, while she quickly formed a strong relationship with Theo. Ashton and Ruby had become like older sisters to her. Tilly had great respect for Dr. Stuart. Since their guardians were doctors, Jack and Ashton had found themselves spending more time at the hospital. Nurses and doctors knew who Jack and Ashton were. Ashton had returned to her first love, which was spending time with hospital kids. She was brightening their days up, and now she had company when she visited the children. Everyone had adjusted and felt fulfilled. Everyone's days had become routine. Routine and life distracted them from worrying about Amy, despite knowing she was safe. Amy was not allowed any visitors.

Finally, on an early Friday morning Theo received the call that he had been waiting for: "Hello is this Dr. Theo Sorin?" the caller politely asked. "It is," Theo responded, hopeful. "I am Dr. Peters; I was assigned to care for your sister, Amy." It was a female's voice speaking. "Amy has successfully graduated our program; she is ready to leave our facility. Are you going to be the one picking her up?" "Yes, I am." "Do you have an estimated time in which you will be arriving to pick her up?" "I can be there in thirty minutes," Theo said, anxious and excited. "Okay, we will see you then," Dr. Peters answered, delighted. After hanging up the phone, Theo called the hospital to forewarn them of his absence.

The facility was located on the outskirts of Kent. It was a large, calm building. The facility worked towards a peaceful, positive environment. Hills of greenery surrounded the building with wildflowers, shrubs, and trees. The landscape assisted in keeping the peace. As he exited his car, every emotion paralyzed him. Despite being internally paralyzed, externally he kept his composure as he entered the building. Soothing music was playing in the background throughout the facility. Dr. Peters met with Theo to tie up loose ends. She was about the same age as he and a beautiful woman. "Hello, Dr. Sorin," shaking his hand. She immediately detected his neat, professional style. "I can see the resemblance. Are you a doctor?" she said, as they sat down in the lobby. "Yes, I work at the hospital."

"Well, Amy will be in good hands then. Here are the release papers that I need you to sign," sliding the paper in front of her. Theo pulled a pen from his shirt and signed after she exchanged the paper for his copies of the paperwork. "These papers tell you what the program. Then there are a few tasks that I would recommend you do to finish her recovery." He scanned the paper and immediately noticed recommending acquiring new surroundings and home. "I will go get her for you," she had a natural scratchy voice. He paced back and forth nervously while waiting for his sister. Suddenly, the door opened stopping him in his steps. He slowly lifted his head: He saw a clean, youthful, innocent, fragile woman. She was dressed nicely in jeans and a t-shirt. Tears began to roll down his cheeks: It was the sister he knew, not the woman they dragged out of the house. He curved the edges of his mouth through his quivering lips. She was looking at him with teary eyes and gave him a warm smile. Her whole body was shaking. Amy slowly walked over to her brother. They embraced, and both held tightly. "It is so nice to see you; I am glad you are free. I need you," she tearfully whispered. "It is great to see the sister I knew and loved. And it is amazing to have you back," he whispered, in the same condition. Finally, they separated and wiped their tears away. Dr. Peters was watching them from afar with a smile; holding Amy's bags. Theo took them from her, "Thank you," Theo and Amy simultaneously said. "You're welcome," Dr. Peters responded, gladly. Neither could stop smiling or exchanging looks; both were amazed, happy, and relieved.

Theo put her bags in the back and took his place in the driver's seat. "So...where do you want to go?" He was still adjusting to having his sister back, and she was adjusting to freedom. "Umm...can we go to the Alden Manner?" she carefully asked. "Sure," Theo agreed, yet in a disapproving tone. Amy was very spacey, trying to connect with the world again. " is life since being freed from prison?" she asked, with her quiet natural voice. "It's nice; what about you?" "I have come to peace with my past, ready to renew my life." They had a long ride ahead of them; they were on the opposite end of town from the Alden Manner. "Do you remember the first time you drove with me?" Theo asked, trying to make conversation. "I do, you almost killed us," she teased. "Have you found a future wife for yourself?" "No, I have not had the time; besides it is none of your business." "Fine, but you are not getting any younger." "Shut up. What about you? I expect a proposal in a month." Silence filled the air, "I'm sorry," Theo repulsively said. "Don't will take me time to trust men again." "And I am going to have to approve any man in your life. And I'm not going to go easy on them." Returning to a lightened atmosphere was not easily obtained. "Do you remember having children?" Theo cautiously asked. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a disappointed and guilty facial expression. "I do...I was never a part of her life, and I could have destroyed his life," she struggled at getting her words out. The remainder of the trip went back and forth from silence to casual conversation.

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