Chapter XIV

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Summer had passed without any progress towards entering a trial. Jack and Ashton had returned to school for their final year. They had put aside their anxiety about the trial to focus on school. Dr. Stuart had reapplied for a position at the hospital that he had worked at before fleeing the country. He was well respected before he left, so they accepted him immediately. All of them were having difficulties getting around without media asking questions. The press had obtained their names. Despite the hounding, they all stayed quiet and calm. Finally, the first day of entering the courtroom arrived. The room was packed with people across the country to witness the trial. Cameras were covering the trial for people around the world. The room was quiet and unsettling, while the evidence was presented. The presenters spoke clearly and loudly. The majority of the room had made up their minds, siding with prosecuting Hugh and getting Theo release. People left prepared to return. The case's presentation and debate took a total of a month. The last day of presentations ended without a verdict, leaving people in suspense. Detective Hall was among the people in the room. He approached Jack and Ashton afterward; he gave Jack Hugh's journal. Each day in court exhausted Jack and Ashton; it drained them emotionally. When they returned home, Jack and Ashton retrieved their dinners and went to their designated rooms. Jack indulged himself into Hugh's journal.

February 14, 1986

Today is my 15th birthday, and I am leaving home. I have never had a cordial relationship with my parents. My parents have ignored me for the last few years. While they ignore me, they dote on Edward. Edward shoves his spoiled life in my face! He stole my opportunity to gain our parents' respect. Now I am alone in the world, and it is because of Edward.

Hugh Alden

The entries Jack read from Hugh's journal gave him an insight into Hugh's state of mind.

After a month of deliberation, everyone came together for one last time to hear the verdict. Everyone was nervously, anxiously awaiting. They brought both Hugh and Theo in with restraints. Everyone rose when the verdict was handed to the judge. The room fell silent to hear the verdict. Before the judge announced the verdict, Jack and Ashton glanced at Hugh and Theo. Theo was as nervous and anxious as the audience, but he was also worried unlike most of the audience. Jack, Ashton, and Matthew were the only other few who expressed concern. Theo glanced at Ashton and Jack expressing his nerves and emotions. When Theo, Jack, and Ashton glanced at Hugh, he continued to show no emotion.

Finally, the judge proclaimed Theo's innocence and release. Then she announced Hugh's sentence-life in prison. The courtroom filled with sighs of relief. Hugh remained emotionless, while police escorted him out. Most people departed satisfied with the trial's outcome. Theo freely approached Jack, Ashton, and Matthew and gave all of them a hug. "Thank you," he said, tearfully and grateful. "You're welcome," all of them replied happily. It was a tearful reunion. "Do you have any hatred towards Hugh?" Matthew asked. "I might, but I do not know. What about you three?" None of them answered; they just gave an expression of uncertainty. "You have a secure job at the hospital; I got your old job back for you. And we will be working together again. And you're welcome to be my house guest." "Thank you," Theo responded with gratitude. Matthew and Theo departed, while Jack and Ashton waited for William.

They sat on the curb in front of the courthouse. Both were overwhelmed by their emotions; they could feel the other's body tension. " do you feel about the outcome?" Ashton asked, carefully. "Justice was served," Jack answered cautiously: Neither one had yet taken a glimpse of the other. "It is easy to accuse, but it is difficult to understand," Jack mentioned like a reminder. "Everyone, who witnessed the trial, was given the minimum of what they could have offered for judgment. I was given a chance to speak with Theo; read the journals of Hugh and Edward. All those resources gave me more insight. People say Hugh had no reason to be killing anyone. But, Hugh's reason was that he was jealous of his brother. There was a misunderstanding during their youth, which brought tension between them. The jealously drew Hugh to kill Edward. The death of Andrew was promoted by protecting himself. Having the gun on him the night your parents died; the attempted murder of us was promoted by protecting himself. Where true judgment comes from is if it is right or wrong? Wrong and right are defined differently by each human being. Hugh thought his actions were justified. I am not arguing with the outcome, but I cannot succumb to judgment." Ashton took a moment to comprehend his words. She realized subconsciously that she had come to the same conclusion. "Whatever the judgment, it does not change what has happened, right?" Ashton rhetorically asked. "Right," Jack disappointedly responded. 

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