Chapter V

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It was a sleepless night for Ashton. Even though Jack gave a meaningful smile, it only lasted for a few moments. When she settled in her bed, thoughts and memories were returning. It brought the pain of not having any of her old life back. The pain along with silent tears kept her up. But, suddenly Ashton began hearing noises from Jack's room. She looked over at her clock, and it was quarter to five o'clock, in the morning. She heard his door open and close, and footsteps walking down the hall. In curiosity, she slipped out of her bed and peeked out her door. She saw the back of Jack, who was wearing pajama pants, tennis shoes, and a white t-shirt. It looked like he was going out somewhere. Ashton went back inside her room. She went to her window seat to look out the window. The moon allowed her to see silhouettes, she could see his and the bike he was going to ride. And off he went in the distance after Ashton could no longer see him she returned to her bed. She was able to fall asleep until his return that woke her. He returned about half-past five. She just laid in bed until six-thirty, in which she got up to take a shower. As usual, the shower did not help improve her style. About a quarter after seven, she went out to get her breakfast. Jack was getting his breakfast at the same time. He was clean from a shower and looking nice. "Do you go biking every morning?" she asked. "You heard me leave and saw me on my bike," he answered, surprised. "Yes," she responded, somewhat embarrassed. It did not seem to bother him, "I bike every morning; it helps me relax for the day. Then I take a shower, which helps me relax, too." They sat against the wall and ate breakfast together, as well as talking to one another. They hung out until eight o'clock when they left for school.

Their lovely morning continued on the way to school. He sat in the back with her to continue their conversation. She had his complete attention, which made Ashton feel good. They arrived at school; Ashton went to her locker like always. Jack went to drop his sports bag in the locker room and then returned to his locker. Ashton had packed her bag when Jack returned to pack his bag. Ruby was walking over to Jack the same time as Ashton. Ruby got to his side a moment before Ashton. "Tom is ill and at home in bed," she said, warning Jack. Ashton stood in front of them as Ruby took his hand in hers. Her attention was all on Jack, "This is my girlfriend, Ruby," Jack said, trying to be polite and introduce them. Ashton gave a small grin to be nice, Ruby's attention now went to Ashton. "This is Ashton, my house guest." "Oh," Ruby responded, surprised. "Yeah," Ashton said, awkwardly. "We met yesterday, she is going to be my tutor," Ruby confessed. Ashton nodded in response. "Really, that is good," he said, surprised and understanding. After that unsuccessful introduction, together they walked down to their classrooms. They came to Ruby's class first, "I will see you later. And you after school for tutoring," Ruby said, before entering the class. "How did you meet?" Ashton asked, out of curiosity while they walked to her classroom. "We go back to nursery school and became close mates. Somewhere in secondary school, we fell for one another. We started dating, and everything is history. Our peers have supported us through the years; it has become natural for us to be together." There was joy and happiness as he spoke. Ashton could tell Ruby made his life better. Ruby was someone who had been around since his family's problem. Ashton gave a smile before entering the class; he returned a smile. He walked down the hallway alone to get to his class.

The school day went by like any other school day for Ashton. She was trying to get through the torture of school. Now she was sitting in the library alone, waiting for Ruby. Ruby arrived after the building cleared. "Hello," she said, pleasantly as she took a seat. "Hey, so let us get started," Ashton said. "What subjects are your strongest?" Ashton asked, beginning their first tutoring. "History, it is like a journal of how we came to be. When I learn history, it gives me a sneak peek of what I am doing now and why I do it. That is why it interests me. I am pretty good at English; I have always been good at English. All the rest of the subjects, I struggle in and need help in." "So, you need help in math, science, and language?" "Yes," Ruby said, feeling out of her comfort zone. "Have you ever used flash cards?" "No," Ruby said, still uncomfortable. "Then we can try them for the math formulas. Do you take French?" she asked, guessing. "Yes," Ruby said, starting to be comfortable with the tutoring. "Then we can use flash cards for French vocabulary. For parts we cannot use flash cards; I will work with you myself. And I will do that for science." "Okay," Ruby said, timid and willing to do all Ashton's suggestions. Ashton got out index cards; Ruby got her textbooks out. Ruby began making her first group of flash cards for French, while Ashton went back to doing her homework. "You seem to be honest and kind — all the qualities for a true mate. I have mates, but not true mates," Ruby said kindly, out of nowhere. Ashton was stunned and looked up from her work. "I think you could enjoy school and life if you get out of your comfort zone." "Oh, you think so," Ashton said, in shock. "Since you are helping me with school; I will help you get out of your comfort zone; if you want." "Maybe," Ashton responded, unsure of what she had offered. "Here is my number, if you need anything. That includes out of school work; it seems like you may need a mate." Ashton said, being genuinely kind for the first time to her and honest. Ashton had written down her number on a small piece of paper. Then she left for the day.

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