Chapter VI

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Spring Break had finally arrived, and everyone was leaving for vacation. That included Ruby and Tom, who took off with their families. That left Jack and Ashton spending their holiday in town. It was the first weekday of Spring Break. Both Ashton and Jack slept in later than six-thirty, but not by much. They had breakfast together in the hallway. He came out with his glasses on; since Ashton did not giggle it gave him the strength to wear them in front of her. "How can you believe there is something beyond what life is now, with everything you have been through?" Ashton asked, curious.

"Me, believing there is a life beyond what now gives me what I need. What I need to go on in life is the strength of knowing there is something better beyond our present." Every word had meaning and truth behind it. Ashton began feeling like she was a horrible person because she did not believe in a positive outlook. "I am a horrible person because I am angry at the world and do not believe that good is coming," Ashton said to Jack out of guilt and shame. "Absolutely not, it took me a while to come to terms with my painful life. You are just experiencing the beginning of a devastating event. Everyone goes through the time of feeling like the world is worth nothing. Then time passes and your view on life changes depending on the person. Some people take it in an ugly way; others take it as a life lesson and learn from it. You seem like you would learn from the experience when the time comes." Jack said all this to Ashton in a sweet tone, and it was everything she needed to hear. Jack smiled at her and got up from the floor. "Well, it is Spring Break, and we need to find something to do while our mates are gone. We can try something new; what is something you do not know how to do?" Jack's attitude went from serious to cheerful and joyful. "I cannot drive a car," Ashton responded, somewhat embarrassed. Then Jack gave her a look that spoke: It said that he had an idea of what to do. He then signaled to her to follow him downstairs. He gave her an encouraging smile, which helped her relax. Something was charming about him that allowed her to trust and talk to him. She could never do that with any other guy; she had only made a dork out of herself with all the other guys she had ever met.

They went to the large garage; Jack gave her an excited smile. Ashton seems relaxed from the outside, but inside she was terrified. And when Jack opened the door, she saw several antique cars were lined up. Even though she knew what to expect; driving a straight drive, she was still nervous. And seeing all these cars in a row, Ashton was very scared; she was not relaxed anymore. Her face showed fear and terror as she looked at the cars. "I cannot do this," Ashton stuttered in a panic. "Yes, you can," he replied with confidence. Jack walked towards one of the many cars, which was on the smaller side. Ashton followed him; getting into the driver's seat. She was thankful that she had never driven in America with the United Kingdom driving on the opposite side of the road. Jack was sitting in the passenger seat. "Okay, put the key in and start the engine," he said, coaching her. Ashton did as she was told, but she was shaking out of fear. "You will do okay," Jack said, comforting her. With that said, her shaking was not as bad. "This is the clutch, gas, and brake," Jack said, as he pointed each pedal out. "This is the gear shift; this is first, second...," he said, demonstrating by using the gear shift. "You use the clutch when changing gears and coming to a stop. Let us get started." Ashton started, but only got a few feet before flooding the engine. They sat in the stopped car, before re-starting it. "Sorry," Ashton said, still nervous and panicked. "It is okay; I did the same when I first started. It just takes practice," Jack said, relaxed. Ashton flooded the engine a few more times. After passing flooding the engine, Ashton was jerking the car. Both Jack and Ashton were shaking back and forth. After endless jerking, the lesson was over. Jack drove back into the garage, smoothly. Together they walked back towards the house.

"You did fine, it just takes practice and time," Jack said, trying to boost Ashton's confidence. Ashton gave a sigh of relief and a smile. "If you know how to drive; why do you not ever drive?" Ashton asked, out of curiosity. "I told you I could drive, but I am not legally able to drive on the roads," Jack said, confessing out of guilt. "How," Ashton asked, in confusion. "I am not old enough, but all my mates are. That is because I skipped a grade, just like you." Jack admitted, but with a smile on his face. Ashton's face showed complete shock. Jack just gave her a gigantic smile, and after her initial shock passed, she smiled at him. They shared a chuckle and a few more smiles. "Now it is your turn to experience something new," Ashton said, with great pleasure. "Okay, I am ready for whatever it is," Jack said, sounding prepared for anything. He seemed overconfident and too excited for this new experience. They arrived at the house's main entrance, where William was waiting for their arrival. "Your tea and crackers are ready for you upstairs," William said as they passed him. "Thank you," Jack replied, appreciative. "May you bring two full glasses of milk up to us?" Ashton asked, kindly and politely as she passed by William. "Of course, Miss Carson," William responded. Jack looked over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow, wondering what the milk was for. Ashton led the way upstairs into her room. Jack followed her to her room. Ashton started searching her room for something; Jack just stood in the room. He was a little confused at what she was doing but waited quietly. A maid brought a tray of the glasses of milk Ashton requested. She handed the tray to him, which he laid on Ashton's desk. He continued to wait for what Ashton was looking for. He was getting hungry; it was tea time. And the tray of tea and crackers were in the hallway, but Jack wanted Ashton to have tea with him.

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