Chapter XV

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After the trial, Ashton and Jack could sleep without anxiety. The first week after the trial, days were slow. One morning, flashing lights came through their windows along with a call from Dr. Stuart and Theo. They got out of bed to see where the flashing lights were coming from. "Please come out to the front," both men requested over the phones. When they got to their windows, they saw several police cars and law enforcers. There was Dr. Stuart and Theo, who were waving at them. Jack and Ashton quickly joined everyone outside in the front courtyard. Jack and Ashton were still dressed in their pajamas. "What are you doing here?" Jack asked, startled at everyone's presence. "When I was in prison, you told me that you wanted me to help Amy. And here I am to help." Theo sent in the law enforcement into the Manor in search for Amy. Theo, Ashton, Jack, and Dr. Stuart waited outside. "A.B.C, are you cold?" Jack asked, seeing her shivering. "I'm fine," Ashton responded. Knowing that she was lying, Jack took his sweatshirt off and gave it to Ashton. After Ashton put it on, she mouthed thank you and smiled. Jack returned a smile; fortunately, he was wearing a thick, long sleeved shirt.

The law enforcement swiftly moved through the large Manor. They raided the upstairs, first. Then they made their way downstairs through a short narrow hallway. They approached one last door. First, they tried to just turn the knob, but it was locked. Afterward, they kicked the door down with their armored bodies. After many attempts, they finally got the door down. The room was the Manor's master bedroom, which was gigantic. It could fit several king size beds. But, instead, the floor was a sea of empty bottles that were once filled with alcohol. There was a king size bed in the room and on it was an unconscious Amy. Law enforcement made their way to the bed. They had to shake her for her to wake aggressively. Immediately at the sight of the people surrounding her, she went ballistic. They sternly, yet calmly asked Amy to come with them, but she refused. They had to remove her from the house forcefully. Amy was screaming at the top of her lungs the entire time as well as kicking and trying to yank her body loose. Everyone outside was able to hear her scream as they exited the Manor. At the sight of his sister, it brought Theo pain and terror. It was not the sister Theo knew. Theo rushed to help. None of them were able to calm her. It forced Dr. Sorin to sedate his own sister. Amy fell to the ground and steadily fell asleep. "I'm sorry," Theo whispered tearfully as he watched her fall asleep. Jack was watching from afar somewhat remorseful. The police were transporting her to a rehabilitation center. Theo was expressing the same emotions Jack was. Theo returned to Jack's side. "I did not want to do that, but I had to," Theo unpleasantly whispered to Jack. "I know: I feel some shame for forcing her into therapy, but I know it is the right decision," Theo whispered back to Jack. "I want to invite you two to live with us, while your mother is in recovery." "Thank you," Ashton answered in approval after glancing at Jack for his approval. Dr. Stuart and Theo left, allowing Jack and Ashton time to pack. As they drove away, a familiar car was driving in. "What is Ruby doing here?" Jack asked, startled. "She texted," Ashton answered.

Ruby exited her car and approached them. As she approached them, she glanced at the Manor in amazement. It was her first time stepping on Alden's property. Ruby greeted them with a friendly hug. They gave Ruby a simple tour. The capacity of the Manor fascinated Ruby. Before they toured the upstairs, they approach Amy's room for the first time. As they stood in the doorway peering in horror hit all of them at the sight of the sea of bottles. The view of the bottles was especially difficult for Jack to handle. "Now I know how much she drank before tormenting me. She was drinking her problems away" Jack expressed his pain, hurt, and disappointment by his face and voice. Neither girl could say anything. They moved upstairs. They decided only to show her their rooms. Jack seemed like he needed a few moments alone, so Ruby followed Ashton into her room. Ruby shut the door behind her and settled down on her bed. Ashton began packing. " do you feel about Jack?" Ruby abruptly and bluntly asked. Ashton immediately stopped what she was doing, taken aback. Ashton glanced at Ruby nervously, who was sitting on the bed. Ruby was giving her, her serious face. "How do you truly feel about him?" Ruby asked once again bluntly and very serious. Ashton looked away with her head lowered, cautiously and hesitantly answered. "I am falling in love with him," Ashton answered, unenthusiastically. Ruby was receiving the vibe that loving Jack was unacceptable. "Why not tell him how you feel?" "I don't know how he feels about me. I don't want to jeopardize our friendship. Our friendship is something I cannot lose, and rejection may do that. He is too special to me. And lastly, Jack was your boyfriend, and you are my best friend. Best friend's ex-boyfriends are not allowed." Ruby rolled her eyes in annoyance, "I disagree with all your reasons. You're trying to protect your heart. Don't protect her heart, let it love" Ruby left allowing her to finish packing. Ruby startled Jack at his doorway. "Are you okay?" Ruby asked checking up on him. She allowed herself in and sat on his bed; Jack was packing. "I'm fine," he responded, unable to look her in the eye. "Can you please look at me?" Ruby harshly asked. Jack immediately looked at her with a frustrated sigh. "Stop... stop wasting time with Ashton. You need to tell her how you feel. The more time you hoard your feelings for Ashton, the more moments you are losing spending them with her." Ruby was stern. They exchanged friendly smiles before Ruby left.

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