Chapter IX

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School had resumed. Ashton went to school with her contacts for the first day. It felt funny without her glasses, but she did it for Ruby. She received several compliments on her first day back. She had a better fitting uniform and new light, simple, black flats on. She only wore contacts a few times a week. She still preferred glasses. She was content with Jack and Ruby hanging with their group of friends at school. She still wondered the halls alone, but it did not bother her anymore. She knew she had both Ruby and Jack as friends outside of school. Ashton and Ruby still were doing tutoring after school to keep Ruby's good grades, while Jack was at soccer practice. Teachers had piled work on the students, keeping them busy. The work did not keep Jack from his obligation of being a big sibling to Tilly. He had changed his morning routine to fit Tilly in. At 6:15 every morning, William drove him to the shelter. Jack spent an hour and a half with her before going to school. On weekends, Jack split his time between Ruby, Ashton, Tilly, and homework. He sometimes combined his time with Tilly, Ashton, and Ruby. They would all do an activity together. Ruby and Ashton adored Tilly; Tilly enjoyed spending time with Ashton and Ruby. Jack and Tilly really had become like siblings. Even strangers mistook them for being blood siblings when they were in public. The fear of their past affecting their relationship had disappeared. There was no need for an in-depth conversation about their past. The relationship was excellent with overlooking their pasts; it saved them from confronting the same tough emotions.

Spring had brought lots of school work, but it had brought a special event for multiple people. It was the annual dance. Jack had gone the last two years with Ruby. The first year, he had asked Ruby without a particular gesture. The second-year Ruby had invited him to the dance. Jack wanted to be the one to ask the other to the dance and ask uniquely. He had found himself desperate for ideas to make it a special asking. His relationship with Ruby had been effortless for so long, which made putting effort into the relationship tough. It was a Saturday, and he had spent the morning with Tilly at the beach. They were having lunch at the boardwalk; when a void of silence happened for the first time. " a girl, if you were being asked to a dance how would you like to be asked out?" Jack asked, out of desperation with an embarrassed tone. He was turning pink as he asked. Tilly looked up from her food with her eyebrows raised in confusion. "Well, I have not had a chance to go to a dance at all. And my interaction with boys is minimum. This is about Ruby?" Tilly explained, ashamed for her inexperience in life. "Yeah," Jack said still pink and embarrassed. "I trust that you will find a special gesture to ask her to the dance," Tilly said, with complete confidence in him. "You have not yet gone to a dance?" Jack said, switching the spotlight on Tilly. "Yeah, I have not gone to one, and I cannot dance. So, dancing with a partner will be a disaster." She spoke without any seriousness and took it jokingly. Jack had his idea face. "I promise after the dance; I will come over and re-create a dance for you. Afterward, I will teach you how to dance, and I get to claim to be your first dance partner. And next time you will know what to do. You can call it a practice dance, so when the real thing happens you will be ready." The whole idea brought a smile on her face and excitement. Then she remembered that she did not have a nice dress to wear; the smile disappeared. "I do not have a nice dress," she said, upset. "Do not worry about it, I will handle it," Jack said, generously. "Thank you," still feeling responsible for paying for her things. But, the idea of dance took her mind off the dress. They finished lunch pleasantly after Jack returned Tilly before returning to the Alden Manor.

On his return, dinner was waiting outside his room. He saw Ashton retreat her tray. Before she returned to her room, he caught up with her. "Do you want to have dinner out here with me?" he asked. They had not had dinner together in the hallway for quite a while; they had been caught up with their own things. "Sure," she said pleasantly, stopping her hand from twisting the knob. Jack got his tray and sat next to Ashton against the wall between their doors. "How was your day with Tilly?" Ashton asked striking a conversation up. "It was great," Jack said with a tender tone and a gentle grin. "You know you would have been a great older sibling," Ashton said, proudly. "Thanks," he said, very humble for the experience that was given to him. Then his face went into a serious expression. "I need your help with something," Jack asked hopeful and serious. "What do you need help with?" Ashton asked, delighted. "I was talking to Tilly about our upcoming school dance; when she told me, she has never had the opportunity to go to a dance. I promised her that I would give her a version of a dance, but I cannot do it alone. The dance has to have decorations, and Tilly needs a dress." Ashton gave a small grin, expressing how she felt. But, her eyes and mood showed disapproval of the dance. She had never been to a dance. She had avoided dances because she would be surrounded by everything she disliked. "Sure, I will do that tomorrow. Ruby will probably be willing to help, too." Ashton timidly said, avoiding any eye contact with Jack. She quickly got up to put her nearly empty plate on the tray. "Thank you," he said, softly. He too got up to put his plate away, trying to keep up with Ashton's fast pace. Ashton stumbled into her room without any interaction. Jack returned to his room baffled with the erupt departure at dinner. Ashton's heart was pounding from the conversation about the dance.

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