Chapter Four DPOV

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Chapter Four

Rose was gone from Court now. She, her mother, and Edison Castile had left a few hours ago. Vasilisa had come to tell me that I didn't have to worry about her verbally attacking me anywhere again. Between her and Tasha they just didn't understand though. Rose had only been trying every method she knew to break through to me. In the end I was the one attacking her with hurtful words.

She had once been the love of my life, she still was honestly. Something I had never intended to find. I thought she was beautiful the moment I laid eyes on her in Portland almost a year ago. She was even more so now. It hadn't taken me long to fall in love with her or her to fall in love with me. The night of the Equinox dance it had taken everything in me to stop myself and tell her i had not felt the same for her. And on the night we finally gave over to our feelings and made love it was perfect. The circumstances surrounding it were terrifying, but it had made me realize I loved her more than anything. But all of our plans to become a real couple after she had graduated were ripped away when Nathan jumped on me in that cave and ended the life I had made for myself. And more importantly the life we had just planned for us.

I had awakened to find I was a monster and I relished in it all. I tore through my homeland taking life after life, loving every drop of someone else's blood that poured through my body. When I was told Rose was hunting me I laughed coldly. She had tortured one of Galina's idiots into giving me her message.

She was coming for me.

I had told Galina what an asset to her group Roza would make. I couldn't explain it, I didn't love her because that was a feeling I no longer possessed anymore. I had become obsessed with her very existence. She was my property. I asserted that claim the moment I brought her back to the estate, essentially pissing Nathan off.

I spent a few weeks trying to persuade her to join me on her own terms. And when my patience ran thin she acted as if she was ready. She played me well. It had made me proud even as a Strigoi. She had so much fire it would do me well to have her by my side as I took over, she even helped me get rid of Galina and Nathan. But when it was all said and done I had my estate and the stake she had buried in my chest, and Rose was tucked safely back in the mountains of Montana at St. Vladamirs. I could have left her alone. She thought she had killed me, set me free were the words we'd once used.

But I couldn't. It became a game to me. A game where she would gave to look over her shoulder, until it wasn't fun anymore. That's when I kidnapped Vasilisa and Christian knowing she would come. I looked right into Vasilisa's eyes and dared her to come after me. It resulted in a lot of bloodshed that was also now on my hands, and I was free of that state. I was a dhampir with a lot of guilt and no room for anything else.

Which had been the reason I had let those disgusting, untruthful words exit my mouth in the church. She was talking about how much she loved me and that I hadn't done anything wrong. In turn I broke her down, I ruined us, and she left for it. Weeks later I found out she had gone to Turkey to live and work for her father. Abe Mazur. That sure did explain a lot of her personality. Janine Hathaway a bad ass Guardian, and Abe Mazur who frightened everyone if any one said his name had come together to make one of the most lethal dhampir I knew. She was a force no one could take down...

Until three months after she had left. Lissa and Tasha had been sitting around complaining for the last hour about how Christian had gone to visit Rose and Eddie. Christian had been trying since Rose left to no avail to get Vasilisa to just admit she'd been wrong in the way she had treated her friend. Tasha was really the only person the Princess had on her side, even I was tiring of it all. Adrian would only come to converse with Christian, he would intentially ignore the Princess, and shoot mental daggers towards me as I always just stood in the corner to have some semblance of my old life.

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