Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I had to read the letter four times to completely wrap my brain around the words. I remembered when Adrian and I were at that bar in Vegas a drunken Moroi had been talking about Mr. Drogomir liking the dancers. Or maybe just one in particular. Apparently it had been during a bad time in his life, after his father had died, so the child had to be only a few years younger than Lissa and I. Maybe sixteen now.

There was a soft knock on the bedroom door and I looked up to see Sydney standing there. I hadn't known she'd gotten back yet. Maybe she would know something about this. I motioned her over to the bed and she sat down quietly. I handed her the letter and when she was finished she didn't even look surprised.

" You knew?" I asked overwhelmed that the news wasn't news to the alchemists.

She sighed and then nodded. She began picking at a loose thread on her perfectly straight dress pants.

" The Queen asked for my help with some information after she found out I was the one keeping records of your kills. She said I was probably more susceptible to helping her with what she needed. I'd gotten her the bank account info including the name on it, but I didn't know she had found out where Sonya was located."

It was quiet a moment and then she asked what I was going to do. Honestly I didn't know. On one hand I wanted to find this illegitimate child, because Lissa had once been my best friend and she needed to know the truth. On the other hand I didn't really know Lissa anymore and I didn't know how she would react to this kind of news.

Lissa had always wanted a relationship that mirrored what her parents had once had in life. Turns out Eric had cheated like most Moroi men, only it wasn't a dhampir. It had been a Moroi dancer. We dhampir didn't have the bodies to dance like the Moroi, and a dhampir child wouldn't matter when it came to a Quorum law. Whatever I decided to do though would have to wait until I showed this to Dimitri and Adrian. So I put all of my emotions behind a well trained Guardian mask and walked downstairs with Sydney.

They both took turns reading the contents of the letter. Dimitri showed no emotion, but Adrian played every one of his across his face.

" So that drunk off his ass Moroi had been telling the truth!" Adrian stated once he had read through the letter a second time.

" It would seem so." I agreed.

Dimitri looked confused and I forgot he had still been a Strigoi then. The only reason we had ended up in that casino was because we had run there to get away from him. So I filled him in on the tale that had been told to Adrian and I. He nodded but didn't say anything.

" What are we going to do?" Adrian asked.

While they had read the letter I'd thought of a hopefully foolproof plan in my head. But it really came down to if Dimitri would agree. Adrian loved crazy plans and Sydney would make sure I didn't leave a trail behind me.

" I want to go and do this. With Tatiana dead the council will toss Lissa out of anything political. I'm still angry with her actions, but she could change the way our world works. She has never agreed with the way all those Royals do things. She might even still be named Queen if she has a family member. She brought me back from the dead once, this is how I can repay that."

If we could pull this off I could live the rest of my life knowing I didn't leave her with no one. I'd only seen her three times while at Court and she looked miserable all of them. Of course it could back fire and she could hate me for ruining the perfect image of her dad, but I would take my chances here.

" I say if they don't find Tasha or Ethan in the next week we head to Kentucky." I stated boldly.

That Guardian mask of Dimitri's did a massive slip when I'd finished my sentence. He was angry, and curious, and scared. Of what I didn't know. Yet!

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