Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Well as it turns out this was not going to be quick and effortless. Stan had been arguing with Alberta and Guardian Croft for fifteen minutes now. He didn't think we should trust information gathered from a spirit dream. The man hadn't changed at all. In my opinion he was still an idiot. I wished they'd sent him to sit with Moore in the cells.

My phone which my father had given me when we'd arrived here started to buzz. Stan looked over and glared at me as I answered it. I glared right back.

" Little Dhampir"

Adrian said before I could even say hello. He sounded tired but excited. Stan was back to arguing only now Dimitri had joined in and it was three against one. I rolled my eyes because they were wasting time.

" What's up?" I said.

" It's a girl! Lissa has a sister." He said excitedly.

Holy Shit! It had only taken us like four hours to get here, and we'd been here about an hour and a half getting Moore settled and Stan arguing. I thought I would hear from them tomorrow at the earliest.

" What's her name?" I asked

" Jillian!"

Well it wasn't someone we knew I guess. I couldn't recall any Jillian.

" It's Jillian Mastrano, as in jail bait Rose."

I sat forward in my seat. Holy shit this wouldn't be good. Lissa had disliked that poor girl when we were here at school. But we could deal with that right?

" Well is there any more shocking news?" I asked quietly.

" Not really, but we are on our way to the Academy. She is going to go to Court, but we thought it should wait until you were there also."

Yeah that would be best. Lissa and I weren't close anymore but I could break the news of this to her better than anyone else could. Adrian said they would be here by tomorrow and we got off the phone.

No one was paying attention to me so I slipped out the open door. They were all getting on my nerves. It wasn't any of their lives on the line here. If we didn't find Tasha Ozera and bring her in, my charges would stay and I'd be sentenced to death. It didn't matter what they knew, or that Ethan Moore had spilled the beans. My father had held him hostage for days and beaten him. The Council would use that against me instead of believing a Royal Moroi could possibly do such a horrid act.

I found myself frustrated and heading straight for the cabin. I knew I shouldn't, but I wanted so badly to just be free again. Before I lost my nerve I kicked the door to the cabin open.

It was dark inside as I stood in the doorway. But I could see just fine with the sunlight streaming in behind me. There was a man laying on the floor, he had bite marks on his neck and arms. He was still alive as I could see the slight rise and fall of his chest.

And standing in the corner by the bed was Tasha and she had a gun aimed at me. I could see now I'd made the wrong choice here.

" Hello Rose. I won't say it's nice to see you again, because it's not." She said nastily.

I thought about turning around and running, but figured she had no problems shooting me in the back or lighting my ass on fire. It could really go either way here, so I stayed put.

" I was so hoping the Guardians would have found you and shot you. Is Dimka here with you?" She seemed so happy at the thought of me being shot and seeing Dimitri.

" No one knows I'm here."

It wasn't a lie, they didn't know I was stupid enough to come out here alone. It wouldn't take Dimitri long to figure it out though.

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