Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

We had not been asleep long when someone started pounding on Dimitri's front door. Both of us jerked awake seeing it was nine in the vampire morning, and trying to grab some clothes to put on. Dimitri had on his pants from last night and I had grabbed one of his t-shirts. It hung down to my knees. Dimitri opened the front door to reveal four members of the Queens guard. What now?

" Is Rosemarie Hathaway here?"

One of them asked loudly and when Dimitri nodded they pushed their way inside. It all happened so fast from there. The one who had asked if I was here pulled out a shiny pair of handcuffs. The other three blocked off my escape and Dimitri from getting to me.

" Rosemarie Hathaway you are under arrest for the murder of our beloved Queen Tatiana Ivashkov. Please come quietly."

They didn't give me time to do anything. Dimitri and I just stood there shell shocked as I was quickly handcuffed and drug out of there. It wasn't until I was being processed that I realized I didn't even have underwear on. With my court appearance set up for later this afternoon I was taken down to a holding cell. They let my father down only when he told them he was my lawyer.

What in the actual fuck was going on?


I was sitting on the stand because the prosecutor had some questions. The Queen had in fact been murdered and someone had used my fucking stake to do it. My mom, Adrian (who had been crying), Eddie, Christian and Vika were sitting front and center. Lissa and Tasha were also sitting with them for some reason. Dimitri was made to guard in the back as the place was packed. He was visibly upset and looked exhausted.

" So Miss Hathaway where is it you have been the last two years?" she said with disdain

I hope she wasn't going where I think she was.

" Away!"

Nice and simple like my father had said. I was just glad I had clothes on now. And more importantly underwear.

" I see! But didn't you in fact fake your death almost two years ago? Let's see twenty-one months ago to be exact."

And she went there.

"No." I stated.

" No? Are you sure about that?"

Smart ass fucking bitch. I knew this was her job but I so wanted to hit her right now. But I remained calm knowing I was completely innocent.

" I'm sure. Because I did die, the spirit bond I'd had with Princess Vasilisa broke meaning I died. I was brought back with a small amount of Spirit and CPR. I just decided no one needed to know any different for a while."

There were quite a few murmurs through out the court room. The judge told everyone to quiet down or they would be thrown out.

" You had tea with the Queen upon your arrival back correct?"

This was getting ridiculous.

" Yes we had a pleasant conversation about my work and the Strigoi I'd killed the last two years." I said sweetly.

" That's nice."

The way she said it was anything but though. She walked over to her table and picked up my stake. It was the one Dimitri had sent me from Russia. She held it up in front of my face.

" Is this your stake?"

" Yes!"

More mumurs but she continued to question me.

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