Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

" There are only so many places he can be hiding. I want Ethan Moore in front of me. Find him now Luka!"

I slammed the phone down harder than I should have, but that parasite had evaded us long enough. Even Guardian Croft had become suspicious of Moore's absence. Eddie, Christian, and Vika were on their way back to Court. No luck finding that Ozera woman. She had planned the death of the Queen well. But when Rose came back from the dead she found a way to implicate her in the whole thing. Who knows what unlucky bastard had the role first.

I don't know who was angrier, myself or Janine. She has also been out looking for him. There has to be something we are missing here. But what is it? The only comfort I have is for the last four days my daughter has been safe. Sure we were all questioned when they found her missing from her cell, but we all had an alibi. Vasilisa actually helped with that. She even gave Ivashkov one. I would not let the council execute my daughter.

I looked up as Janine stormed into my office. She was my fiery wife and together we were unstoppable. I knew she was worried about Rose. They didn't have a great past as mother and daughter, but they had become close over the last two years. I could see it was killing her to have this charge put on our daughter. When we found both of our targets I'm sure they will be begging for my punishments instead of Janines. She could be quite cruel if needed or pushed hard enough.

Normally she was clear headed about all things. She had even taken Rose and Belikovs reunion well.

That is until the statements our Rose made in Court. It was hard for Luka and I to hold her back when he'd knocked on the door later that evening. It was Vika's crying that had finally made her stop. None of us wanted her upset in her condition, this charge on Rose was enough on all of us.

" I'm worried Abe. I don't know where else to look. If we don't find him here at Court, we will never find her out of these walls." My wife said despairingly.

I didn't care how long it took I would find Natasha Ozera. She was the main goal here, Ethan helped her carry it out, but that woman planned the whole thing. By her leaving him here hiding like a scared rat proves that he was a pawn in her game.

" We will find them both. I just need to think." And then an idea came to me. I didn't know if it would pan out, but it was worth the shot in the dark.

" Janine, can you get Vasilisa and bring her here? She knows you and might feel better than if I sent Luka." She nodded and stood. I could tell she was just grateful to be doing something. I hoped my idea would be accurate because if it was, we would find Ethan hiding there. I don't know why it took me so long to think about it.

An hour later the Princess was sitting in front of me utterly confused.

" Wait you want me to do what? And Tasha did this! She killed Queen Tatiana? Are you certain?"

Janine and I had explained everything we knew to her. To say she was shocked would be an understatement. I knew it would be a lot for her to take in and I hoped we could trust her. She had played a role in getting Rose out of here and I was banking on the fact that she still cared for my daughter.

" I just want you to call Natasha about a place she may have acquired here. Make up whatever you want, but it needs to be believable." I stared her down and she nodded and pulled out her phone. Janine and Luka stood on either side of me waiting patiently.

" Put it on speaker Princess." Janine said as nicely as she could. She was still angry about the stunt the Princess had pulled with the bond she and Rose once shared. Vasilisa nodded and dialed. With her phone on speaker she placed it on my desk. After four rings the other end was answered.

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