Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

After having a short staring contest I decided to see if he was willing to talk tonight, or if he would need time to process what he was seeing right now. I had learned two years ago not to push him when he wasn't mentally ready for it. I had probably just tossed his world like it was in a tornado or a hurricane.

" I owe you an explanation Dimitri." understatement of the year I believe.

He slowly closed the distance between us, almost like if he moved too fast I would disappear. I had done this to him. Yeah I'd been in a bad place mentally and emotionally, but that didn't make any of this okay. I knew that now. I just hoped he could forgive me. He was standing in front of me now and I couldn't even look up at him. I was so afraid all I would see was his hatred for me, for what I had done to him.

" I thought you were dead."

He moved past me and opened his door. I waited to here it slam shut, and when I didn't I turned to see him waiting for me. I walked past him and into the apartment. The space was small and bare just like his room had been at the Academy. There was a kitchen with a breakfast nook. A living room big enough for a love seat, end table, small entertainment center and an older television. A small path through the room led to a bed room and I assumed a bathroom also.

Dimitri was watching me look around his home and I couldn't figure out what was going through his head. Just like before he had been turned, his face was blank of any emotion. I had learned this very skill from him and mastered it over the last few years. Right now though it was making me antsy.

" What would you like to know?" I asked and for a few long seconds I didn't think he would answer me. I knew it probably wasn't the right question right now, but I didn't really know what else to say.

" Why? How?" His voice started to crack with the second word and he clamped his mouth shut firmly.

" I thought it was best. I didn't think anyone would truly care. You made it clear you did not love me anymore, and Lissa made it clear that it was a mistake I was even still alive to begin with." I sounded detached but inside I was an emotional mess. I just couldn't let him see that mess.

" I lied Rose. You wouldn't stop and I had to make you. I've spent the last twenty-one months blaming myself for your death. You had left because of me, and then I thought you were dead and I could never take those words back. I could never make you see that I did still love you. I need time to think."

He had started out yelling, his guardian mask completely crumbled away, but by the end he had almost reached a hoarse whisper. I nodded as I had anticipated this outcome. I had put him through hell and I couldn't change that. I couldn't take it back. I went for the door and as I brushed past him I felt the electric current that always seemed to be around us. He was truly my soulmate. I hoped that was still true for him as well.

" I did die that night, that wasn't a lie. My body and CPR brought me back after Adrian could only heal my broken spine. If you want to talk I'll be at my fathers house, but by the end of the week I'll be gone." With that said I left.

Walking outside the sun was shining and there was a hot breeze blowing. As I looked around me I noticed someone watching me, and I was beyond happy to see his familiar face again. It had been too long since I had seen him outside of a dream.

" Little Dhampir oh how I've missed you." He said pulling me into his arms for a hug.

" You could have come to visit, but you've been busy trying your hand at politics." He laughed. In all reality he spent his days helping his Aunt groom Lissa and keep watch on her aura to ensure she wasn't losing it because we'd lost the bond. He had a mischievous look to him though, and he answered me before I even asked him what it was.

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