Chapter Seventeen/Epilogue

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Chapter Seventeen/Epilogue

" No Liss put the bear on the dresser. Good now everything is perfect." I said looking around the room.

Vika and Christian would be home any minute with baby Alexander. We had moved to Portland four months ago. My father had given me the key to the safe house along with the deed. Christian and Vika had sold his parents house and bought the house next door. After every one found out the truth of what Tasha had done Christian decided living in that house just wasnt worth the looks he kept getting. They didnt want their son raised around that.

Lissa had decided after finding out about Jill that she wanted to get to know her sister rather than be our next Monarch. Jill was at school and Eddie became her Guardian. Lissa lived with us too. Her and Luka had started a relationship and he was her Guardian now as well. When the news of their romance broke a lot of Royals shunned her, but for once she didn't care at all. We weren't friends like we once were, but we were well on our way.

" They're here!"

My mom shouted from downstairs. Her and my father had come for the birth. They had been traveling quite a bit the last two months so I was happy to have some time with them. Lissa and I ran downstairs as Dimitri carried the baby carrier in and Christian and Olena helped Vika.

Dimitri got Alexander out of his carrier and started murmuring in Russian. I watched with a huge smile on my face. It was a miracle I still had him here with me. I will never forget that day.


" I need to speak with you Rose." Dr. Olendski said

I couldn't seem to get my legs to move so my father walked me to where she was standing. I couldn't speak. I knew something was wrong, she looked too grim for everything to be okay.

" The bullet went into his heart at an angle. It tore through it and lodged in his left lung. We got it out, but he lost a lot of blood. He also lost oxygen to his brain. He's in a coma and I don't know when he'll wake up. Or if he will at all."

I felt like I couldn't breath, my heart felt like it would stop right then. My knees buckled and my father caught me before I hit the floor. After everything we had made it through, this is how it would end?

Dr. Olendski was talking but I couldn't understand her. It was like I was under water, my emotions were drowning me. My father said something to her and then they were taking me down the hall. I walked into his room and there were so many tubes. Someone had put a chair next to the bed and that's where I sat for a week.

Adrian and Sonya had healed him when they got there, but he couldn't or wouldn't come out of the coma.

Finally after seven of the longest days of my life, Dimitri opened his eyes. I had instantly turned into a blubbering mess of tears and kisses.


" Roza do you want to hold him?"

Dimitri was watching me as Olena tried handing me my sweet nephew. I hadn't realized he was being passed around. I smiled and cradled his tiny body in my arms. Dimitri walked over and wrapped me and Alexander in his own arms.

" What were you thinking about Roza?" he whispered.

" I was thinking about how I almost lost you. I was thinking I'm very lucky to have you here. We all are lucky."

He placed a kiss to the top of my head and we just smiled at the little bundle in my arms.

We all stayed for a while longer and then went to mine and Dimitri's house. Olena was staying with them to help Vika since Christian was going through the process of Opening his own restaurant.

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