Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

" Are you sure you want to do this? We could go back to Portland and pretend we never left."

Sydney was babbling in the drivers seat. Much like Dimitri she'd insisted on driving her baby the whole way here. I wouldn't blame her if she left, she was human and wasn't trained to protect herself. But I was not going anywhere now that we were actually here.

" Syd it's okay, we'll be in the sunlight the whole time and we have the two most bad ass dhampir with us."

Adrian's words seemed to calm her and I could feel myself smirk at the gesture. It was much like Dimitri and I. With the sun finally up I stepped out of the vehicle and opened the back hatch. I pulled out the chains and locks to keep Sonya secured to whatever we could get her to. I pulled the stake for Adrian from my bag and made sure mine was secure also.

Sydney took the chains from me and her and Adrian stayed close to the car, but in sight of the front door so they would know when to bring it all in. Dimitri and I went around back to the fence that surrounded the back yard.

It hadn't been hard to find Sonya Karp. She'd loved plants as a Moroi and the old habit had seemed to follow her into her undead life.

Dimitri gave me a boost over the fence and then as quietly as he could climbed over also. I spotted a wheelbarrow and grabbed it. Dimitri was by my side as I counted to three and then ran full force putting the wheelbarrow through the patio door. She'd probably heard us come over the fence anyway. So the element of surprise was not with us. We came through the door still covered by the light-thanks to the shattered glass-from outside. A quick scan of the kitchen we were in told me she wasn't in this room.

We walked out of the safety of the sun and that's when I saw her by the front door, waiting for us. Dimitri and I both took an offensive stance and readied ourselves for the battle to begin. She lunged for me, being the smaller threat, but Dimitri kicked her in the side making her fumble. She jumped back righting herself and decided to go after him instead.

She wouldn't turn her back on me while her and Dimitri fought, but what she didn't know was we didn't want her dead. I got my chance and swiped my stake across the back of her head. She let a screech out that almost made me cringe, but it was the very opening we needed. There was a chair sitting in the middle of the room and we each grabbed an arm and slung her into it.

She fought against us and Dimitri gained control holding her as best he could for the next part of he plan. I ran back to the kitchen and broke a wooden chair. Taking the leg of the chair I ran back just in time to see Sonya buck up almost knocking Dimitri away. I ran my stake across her arm and Dimitri regained complete control. I saw my opening and pushed the chair leg into her heart.

It wouldn't kill her but it stunned her giving us a few minutes. I ran to the door and kicked it open letting Adrian and Sydney know they could come on. Dimitri ran and grabbed another chair leg while I ripped the black out curtains down. The sun light didn't reach her but she would only have limited room out of the light streaming in.

We were back at the chair when she started to coming back around. I pulled the chair leg out and Dimitri shoved the other one in. Sydney ran through the door chains and locks in hand. We started wrapping the chains around her shoulders, torso, legs, and ankles. We got the last lock clicked in place when she came around for the second time.

I pulled the second chair leg out and tossed it to the floor with the other one. She was pissed and I guess I couldn't really blame her. Getting anything shoved through your chest probably hurt pretty bad.

" I'll kill you. You can't keep me chained here forever dhampir. When I get out of here..." She screeched at me.

" Yeah yeah, you'll kill us all. I've heard this plenty of times. We're going to try something new though, so really either way we go you won't be killing anyone."

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