Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

I was in mine and Dimitris' room going over the list I had made for Sydney. We were leaving in two days and she was going to go out tomorrow and get what we needed. If it all worked out as I hoped Sonya would be a Moroi again, Lissa could still be the next Queen and would have a sibling again. I was still upset with her past actions but Adrian had finally told me she'd been a part of getting me out of that cell. I felt it made my debt to her that much greater. I was sure she would be shocked at having a sibling created in an unfaithful act on her fathers part, but she could and would go far in having the sibling.

" Rose?"

I looked up to see Adrian standing in the doorway. I had been so lost in my own thoughts I hadn't known he was there. He shifted from one foot to the other indicating he had his own thoughts reeking havoc on his mind. The only problem was his mind could become a dark place for him to get stuck in. Which is why I'd added an anti-depressant to the list of stuff for Sydney to pick up. Just in case reverting Sonya to a Moroi did damage to Adrian's mind.

" What's up?" I asked.

He walked into the room and sat down on the chaise lounge under the window.

" I figured out the charm so hopefully I can pack enough Spirit behind it to work." Adrian said a bit despondently.

But this was excellent news, figuring out the charm was half the battle. But I knew there was more to why he'd come in here. I urged him to continue, to which he did reluctantly.

" I spoke to your father finally."

He had been trying to do so for two days but it seemed my father just hadn't slept at all. I was worried about that. He would do that when he was worked up about something daunting. Pavel would try to take over when it seemed my father was at his breaking point, but the man wouldn't rest until he was satisfied with whatever it was.

" Well?" I asked

" Lissa got a hold of Tasha telling her she had no where to go and wondering if she was still at Court. Tasha told her she was not but had recently gotten a place with Moore that no one knew about."

He stopped talking and I could already tell we would be leaving in two days with Dimitri and I still being wanted fugitives.

" They found Moore and Abe said he went at him hard, but he really doesn't know where Tasha is. They're not giving up though. Abe says he is going to wait a few more days to hand him over to Guardian Croft, just in case he forgot to tell them something."

I nodded. It was of no use though. Tasha was smart. She wouldn't have told him where she was going because she knew she was leaving him behind. She couldn't risk him dropping her secret hiding spot to anyone. I didn't know if I would ever have my name cleared. I guess Ethan Moore could help with that , but that depended on how much he cared for Natasha Ozera.

I knew she didn't care for him though. You don't commit treason and leave the person who loves you enough, to go against everything he stood for to help you, behind to clean up your mess. That's not love, that's considered abuse of someone's feelings.

Natasha Ozera was a sick and twisted bitch. She couldn't have always been that way though. When I had first met her outside of that old Guardian cabin I had liked her. And even at the ski lodge when she was pursuing Dimitri, I could see the vision she had for Moroi working along side their Guardians. I'd appreciated the importance and brilliance of her vision. What had happened to that woman?

The Queen on several occasions, according to Adrian, also wanted it to go back to both races fighting for our survival. She wanted her people to have the choice to do as they wanted though. She was finally trying to push through something Tasha had been advocating for years for. And she had murdered her in cold blood.

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