Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I slid the ring on my finger. Adrian had found the gaudiest diamond ring he could. He thought it was hilarious when he'd brought it to me, and I'm sure he was laughing now just thinking about me wearing it. And of course the only finger it had fit on was my ring finger. Extra laughs there.

We had taken a car to this meeting because until I had the keys in hand, we wanted this to seem like a rich bitch buying another property she didn't really need. Luka got out and walked around to my door helping me out. Tasha was already standing on the porch and Mr. Skeevy lawyer had just arrived. I could not remember his name to save my life though.

The house truly was beautiful. I could see Vika and Christian starting a family here.

" Hi you must be Liliya, I'm Tasha Ozera. Did you want to look around some?" she asked in a sickeningly sweet voice.

I looked to Luka as he was to do all of the talking, because the ring wouldn't disguise my voice.

" No that won't be necessary. She has cash on hand, the full amount. We thought you'd appreciate that." she nodded eagerly. " But we did want to know about the other name on the deed. Our lawyer here found out about it." Luka said in a professional tone.

She looked shocked. The goal here was, because both names were on the deed, we would split the money so Christian would get the house and some money in his account. That was what he and Vika said anyway. I had other ideas, like I said I'd thought this through.

" Well that's my nephew, but I haven't seen him in some time really." she said haughtily.

I had expected that answer. And our lawyer Damon Taurus, that was his name, he had helped us out with that part.

" That's alright Lady Ozera, I found him for you as he will also have to sign for this to be legal. Liliya here doesn't want to lose her newly acquired home due to an inconvenience like both parties not signing."

I nodded in agreement while internally laughing at the fact he was screwing her as much as we were. Damon motioned in the direction of his car and Christian and Vika got out.

" Christian it is so good to see you. And Vika how is your brother? I'm going to meet him when we're all done here. But don't tell him I want to surprise him."

My blood ran scorching hot, but I needed to remain calm and collected here.

" Now that we are all here lets get this paperwork signed." Damon said letting Tasha know she was wasting his time.

He had Tasha and Christian sign all of it first and then I signed my parts. The whole time Tasha was laying it on thick. When I'd finished signing I handed it to Tasha as she handed the keys to Luka. As she read over the signatures I slipped my ring off waiting for it to hit her. And boy did it.

" Is this some kind of joke?" she asked and then finally looked up to see me. Just about every bad emotion one could have splayed across her marred face.

" No you are dead. Lissa said she watched it happen."

I smiled as I handed Christian a bank receipt. I had my father open him an account and put what the house was going for in it. I'd checked with Damon yesterday to make sure it was legal though. Because I didn't want Tasha getting a dime from it.

" Well Natasha she was mistaken. Here is the money for the house and the keys, it is now fully yours and Vika's." I said handing everything to Christian, he had become the main person on the deed on his Eighteenth birthday anyway. That's how Damon explained it anyway.

With that done Luka, Christian, Vika, and I walked back to the car. But before I got in I turned to Tasha once more.

" Sorry you came all this way for nothing, and I wouldn't worry about surprising Dimitri. He and I have plans ."

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