It Doesn't Matter Where You Sleep

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Jessica said very firmly "That means I'm sleeping there too. No way you are getting out of my bed, mister."

"Don't be stupid you two. Sleep in your own great big bed. It's not like I couldn't succumb to temptation and walk the twenty feet to the damn garage. At least if I do give in to this feeling, and you two welcome me to it, the bed in this house is bigger, and nearer the tropical room that is your shower."

Jessica reached over and placed a hand on Helen's knee "Fuck him. You are always welcome in my bed Helen. You know that. Even when we are bigger and showing. Adrian assures me he finds the idea of having sex with a pregnant woman to be mind-blowingly sexy."

"It is!" I said

".. And if Adrian is too tempting, I'll sleep between you," Jessica added.

"As odd as this may sound, I think Rachel would have less problem with me having sex with Adrian than you, my love," Helen said quietly

"Oh?" Jessica asked

"She knows I love you, more than life itself. I never made that a secret. Well... Not recently. Now we are both going to have babies, at the nearly same time. How bonding is that?"

Jessica nodded "Ok. I get it. But... OK. This is getting weird in my head."

Helen agreed "I know. I have been thinking about this for a while."

Jessica rubbed the bridge her nose. "Frack me. This is why humans have all those stupid sexual rules of conduct that I thought we'd left behind as Vampires. Sex without babies is a whole different thing."

I injected quietly "I know I am only a boy Vampire in a girl Vampire world, but does anyone wonder how I feel about any of this?"

Helen looked slightly amused. That hurt. "Are you saying that if we decide to share you sexually that you are going to say 'no'?"

"I might?" I said

"Shite of the bovine variety," Helen replied

"Are you saying I am a typical male who cannot turn down sex with a willing woman?" I managed to sound offended.

"No Adrian. In point of fact, I think you quite capable of turning down sex from any average woman. I am saying that you could not turn down sex with the mothers of your children." Helen replied confidently

There is this weird, warm, wavey feeling in my head. "Oh. Yes. Well. Humm. Damn. You know what? You are completely correct. I could not resist you if you insisted in even the slightest way. You smelling like that? Impossible to resist." I admitted "I don't want to hurt Rachel. You are not helping me achieve that goal by being all sexy and pregnant, It's hard enough to admit that I want you like this."

Helen pinned me with a patented iron stare. "You think it is easy for me? I just get back on track with the council and now this happens? That I am being enslaved by my body? I am ALWAYS in control. Not anymore. Not since you two dragged me into your bed and mercilessly screwed me senseless."

I gave her one hundred watts of eye roll. "Helen: I did not even know you liked men that much. If you were stopping at me on the way to Jessica, it was a long getting laid-over. I remember you enjoying it. I remember the mother of all orgasms."

Helen waved a hand dismissively "You are good for more than your sperm. Although two innuendos in a few sentences prove that I have no idea WHY I enjoyed you so much. It seemed right at the time. Now I am kicking myself wondering what the hell I was thinking."

"Thinking not involved, I dragged you to bed. Remember? Also, Adrian tastes great. So it wasn't just him loving you till you came. It was that too though." Jessica said, unhelpfully.

Helen agreed with a pivot. "Yes, he is quite tasty. I hope you have not been draining him too much."

"Not too much, and I keep him on vitamins and fluids."

Helen nodded sagely. "Good. Good."

"Now I feel like a cow," I noted from the sidelines.

"Now you know how men usually treat women," Helen said, pressing her hands to her breasts. Then she looked slightly thoughtful as she looked at her chest. "Now that I think about it, I encouraged you to treat my breasts that way at that time. Those times. Let us say a fair amount. Also, I liked it very much. Still, fair is fair. You are a tasty morsel of boy Vampire."

It seemed only fair to point out "Anyone who sucked on your cute breasts, Helen of the Council, without your express written consent and overt encouragement? They will be swallowing teeth if not dead." I watched her hands hold the soft points of the discussion. Helen does not wear bras. Never got in the habit since they were invented well past her youth. She did not need a bra in any case. Bras apparently have a useful function and are not merely for frustrating people like me. Once a woman reaches a certain size, the support is comforting, I am told. What would I know? It is a thing I am sure males cannot really understand. It is a 'you have to have them' kind of thing.

"I won't say it's never happened" Helen admitted, "Still, thanks to the Sirens you have lost your teeth quite enough for one year, and as I said, you were invited to spend quality time here." She pressed her breasts again, in case I forgot what we are talking about. Her nipples now visible through her thin blouse even without shifting to other spectrums of light.

There is only one way I can even remotely act like I have any control here. The word 'control' is utterly laughable. I stood up. Looked at the two of them.

"Helen. I will not lie. No point in that because either you or Jessica would call me on it in two seconds flat. We are at the same place we were when you left and for the same reasons. I want you." I inhaled her scent. Felt the tendrils. "So very much."

I looked at her seriously. I wanted her to understand this. "When we were together that last time it was... And it led to..." I am making a real mess of this "But no... I want this and I want you, but I want to know full well we are not giving in to things. Vampire chemical things. The things you left to figure out about how I chemically affected you is now also a thing I have. You smell so amazing to me. That alone would not be enough. If it were only that I would pick you up, take you to bed, and say 'fuck it'. Chemical romance it is. Here is the thing: I like Rachel. I don't want to hurt her. She is being nice to say that she'll 'deal with it'. You know that. So.. No? Not yet, anyway? If you insist, if your need more than you can deal with, I have no willpower whatsoever backing this. You say the word, just lift one 'come hither' finger, and I will tear your clothes off right now. I do mean tear. As in I hope you don't like those clothes because I will be shredding them to get to you as fast as I can. Jessica has made it clear in the past she will help. It will be a race."

I held up a shaking hand. "I am this close. I know if I ripped your clothes off all I would get besides cooperation is a ration of shit about how eager I am to have you as my lover again and typical male and all that. I would take it all to be with you. I don't want to hurt Rachel. She may be more worried about Jessica, but that is ... Uninformed. You and I together would quickly become something neither of us could stop. You know it. I know it."

Helen could take what she wants. It would not be by force. I am only hanging on by my fingernails to this decision. I will fold like a cheap card table.

Helen studied my face as I rambled. Conflict written there. Finally, she said: "I love Rachel too, and 'No' means 'no'. I can control this, if only barely" There was respect. And regret. Also, desire.

It is mutual.

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