The Sexual Version of Crying

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When I entered our bedroom, Jessica waited for me, stretched out and dressed only in her wedding ring. Maybe I'd be late for that hot tub party. Sleep and love are more important.

I sat on the edge of our bed and took off my shoes, then stopped. I am really tired, so I wanted to sit for a second.

Jessica asked: "How is Helen?"

I pondered that. How is she? She is acting differently, but she has just been stabbed, lost a child, and barely survived. She is a Vampire that feels the blood of others running through her. She smells like four different people.

"I have no idea." I answered finally. "She seems OK, but there is something different about her. Something I cannot put a finger on. Take away that pain and the anger and the hatred and all. That I get. Every bit of it." I rubbed my face tiredly. "There is something else. Something..."

Jessica understood completely. "She is not dealing with it. Not yet. You can't cope with something like this quickly. It takes time. Lots of it."

I looked at Jessica. Her body so familiar and so inviting. "She wants after this is over to run away to an Island. Make love. Not sure if she stays feeling that way as time goes by and my blood in her diminishes."

Jessica shrugged as if that question is no matter for concern. "Probably is thinking about that right now. She is hurting in ways I do not even want to imagine, and trying so hard to keep it together that it's really hard to know where she is going to land. She thought she knew every pain one could endure already, after all this time. She found that there is a pain she never imagined. Not the spear. The loss of the baby. One thing is for sure: She had no idea how bonded she was to her child, or to the idea of being a mother. She will need to mourn that loss before she'll really be ready for anything like the idea of another. For that matter, my love, so will you. Me too, to some extent, but nothing like you. Nothing like Helen."

I stood up, undressed slowly, then lay back on the bed, and looked up at the ceiling. Jessica leaned over, pressing herself to my side. Her breasts are getting larger, her large nipples surrounded by a darker ring of color. I looked at the length of her again. I never tire of her long smooth curves. Her leg casually draped over mine.

I pulled her in close to me and held her. The racking sobs came out of nowhere. I did not feel them coming on. They arrived in a rush and possessed me. Jessica held me close, my head to her chest, her fingers running through my hair. She said nothing for a while. Let me cry, and I realized after a while when I felt my shoulder getting wet that she is crying too. We have been strong as long as we could be. We dealt with it as long as we were required to.

"I'm so sorry." She said finally.

"For what?" I asked hoarsely. I did not want her to feel sorry. To feel any part of this pain.

She squeezed my head in closer to her breast. "That I cannot protect you from this agony. From this loss."

I took a breath. Felt a bit of control return. "It hurts worse than any physical pain I ever felt, and since I met you, that's saying something." I said, trying to lighten it up a bit.

She wiped my cheeks gently with her thumb and smiled "Yes, You have been through the wringer. Still, I brought you a few other things along the way."

"Well, let's see, Love beyond imagining. Pleasure beyond measure. Breathtaking beauty that grows with each passing day. What other than that?".

"My comic collection. Don't forget I brought Snowball into your life so you can spoil her mercilessly." Jessica noted. Snowball is currently off hiding someplace with Princess. They are not enjoying all the strangers in the house. They like people, only not this many of them. In fact, I'd be willing to bet they are upstairs with Helen. Ralph is there. The others are no doubt near.

"Well, true. There is that. OK. You can stay." I teased.

She wiggled her wedding ring and showed it to me "Yeah: I think so, mister."

"Oh. Yeah. I forgot about that." I tried to sound surprised, with a hint of wonder.

"In that case, let me remind you." There was no foreplay to speak of. Jessica pushed me onto my back with an evil grin and mounted.

It started playfully, but it went back to being what came before it this evening. The sexual version of crying. Slow. Very slow. Holding each other. Trying to meld together as one. Ease each other's pain. I imagined that: Drawing her pain into me. As if I could see it flow through our joined bodies. Her hands on my shoulders and her slowly rotating hips creating a path into me.

Since she is above me, I thought of it like gravity, and I am pulling the grief and sadness out of her with all my heart and soul. Freeing her of it. At the same time, she is lifting it from me, Each move lessening my grief if only a little.

Jessica reminding me that, even as dark as it seems, there are things to live for. Good things. Her.

This is a moment for the two of us. Even our baby is not in this sharing. This went back to the time before. The time before Helen. The time we first met and fell in love. That yearning for each other once we knew we are going to be able to be together and it seemed so unreal.

Like the crying, the orgasms came on from nowhere. Spontaneities. Unhurried and unbidden. Not even really the point of the sex. Not this time.

The sudden gasps caught us in a rare and nearly simultaneous moment of suddenly inhaled air. There was no telling which one suddenly went over. Whichever one pulled the other along instantly.

Afterward, she put her face by mine and giggled at the suddenness of it. Seeing her happy if only for this moment made me feel a tiny joy. It is only tempered by knowing that this moment in time is being stolen from our current larger reality.

Every time with Jessica is different. Every time.

We slept, Jessica on top of me, me still in her. The number one benefit of being a Vampire: Not feeling crushed by your love laying on top of you for hours.

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