Snake Charm

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The sun lit the bedroom window. Our room is awash in diffuse March morning light.

We lay in the king bed. I had an arm under Jessica's shoulder, and she lay on her side and snuggled in, facing me.

One of those priceless moments, not unlike the one from last night. Those moments you wish you could live in, but you can only visit.

Jessica woke in response to me being awake, stretched a lazy arm across my chest, and then pulled my face to hers. "Morning poppa bear." She said when she was done kissing me.

A funny thing about Vampire immune systems: bacteria has a hard time getting going in our mouths. As a result, we rarely have morning breath. Not that such a thing would ever stop me from kissing Jessica.

"Morning momma bear." I stroked her cheek and ran fingers through her thick black silky hair.

There came the smell of coffee, and I looked over to see Helen standing at the door to the bedroom, cup in hand.

"If either of you refers to me as a momma bear, I am kicking your ass. In your case Jessica, I will wait till after you deliver." Helen said endearingly.

The Helen back and forth is starting early today. I returned the love. "I was going to go with momma mongoose, anyway."

"In which case, you're the cobra. Since we know your snake-like appendage is what got me into this mess, let us go with that."

I returned the volley "Last night at dinner you indicated a smaller issue. Not nearly Cobra sized."

Helen sipped from the prissy little china cup. "I compared its shape to a snake. I did not say anything about snake sized. Snake treacherous though? Absolutely. Slithering. Carnivorous. Merciless. Absolutely relentless. Like a snake fang. Hollow and as it has you thrashing about, it injects you with its liquid. Baby venom for Vampire women."

I changed the subject but stayed on a size issue. "Such a useless size cup! You a full-grown Vampire. Get a coffee mug you wuss! We're in Texas! Where the hell did you even find that little cup in my house? I thought I used that size to dip cat food out for Ralph, Snowball, and Princess. Oh, wait. Maybe I do. Also, you started this when you showed me your breasts on the way to Lake Travis, so it's your own fault you are pregnant! You know how weak I am!"

"Go away, Helen. I need to charm this snake. If you are standing there watching then you KNOW you are joining, you fucking wuss." Jessica complained, waving her out of the room.

"I'll be in the shower..." Helen replied and headed to the bathroom. She has her own small shower upstairs of course, but nothing like the one attached to our bathroom. The one down here is a sort of destination.

I concentrated on what Jessica is doing.

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