Conclave Hot Tub Party

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After lunch, we went home to rest up for the evening. I have another appearance to make that day, though this one is as much about keeping up appearances as anything. Being part of the Vampire community by taking part in its rituals. In my single days, I would not have viewed this as an onerous duty, but I am not looking forward to it now.

The hot tub party kicks off around 8:30 PM.

The rest helped. It had been a harrowing day of meetings and questions and having my loyalty to Vampiredom questioned implicitly and explicitly over and over.

It is a fair question, as I am not really loyal to all Vampiredom. I am loyal to Jessica, Helen, and Rachel. Even to Denise, Anne, and Victoria. I would do what I need to do to protect them. That means being loyal to all Vampires everywhere by extension. It is a subtlety they do not need to know.

As crappy as the Vampire male life is, I prefer it over Sirens. Male Sirens are pompous, entitled twits. Everything bad that Vampires think men are fits Sirens to a T.

When Vampires say 'Clothing Optional' at a Conclave hot tub party, they mean wearing them is optional. Nude is the default.

Rachel is my escort/guard for the evening. Helen and Jessica are doing something in Helen's office. Probably paperwork related to the Conclave. Better them than me.

Helen, Jessica, and Rachel had a serious discussion at one point today. I was there, but as is often the case my input was not required. They generally agreed around me that I have to be here tonight. I am starting to think of them as my handlers when they make decisions like this. They are no doubt correct. It is a Vampire tradition. I am central to the topic of the Conclave. My not being here would be noticed and commented upon.

I am thankfully rid of the nose filters. As big as the hot tub is, it could not hold anything like the number of Vampires the ballroom did. Further, Helen had this hot tub set up as a saltwater tub. Special pumps and heaters that are corrosion resistant. Chlorine pools are as hard on Vampire noses as they are the environment. The special pumps churned water through huge filters at a furious pace, keeping the water as free from stray pheromones as is possible. Modern technology at work.

We did not trust all the filtration would hide Jessica and Helen's scents if they are sitting naked in the water. Since they are (more or less) the hosts of this event, it is believable that they could not be here. That they had Conclave work to do.

I marveled at the building Helen added to the Retreat. It is amazingly huge. Sliding glass doors and windows along three of the walls open to let in the coolish night air. That further diluted the scents around me, and I am glad of the fresh air.

Vampires of all shapes, sizes, and colors are everywhere. Swimming. Diving. Soaking. Lounging. Canoodling. Some Vampires really call it that. It sort of stuck in my head. Helen calls it 'snogging'

In a small hot tub sat a man, and a woman is attached to his neck, although she seems to be nibbling rather than drinking. I have no idea if this is a Vampire or a human man. Not close enough to scent him. It is allowed to bring in-the-know human guests to the hot tub parties. Becky's husband might be around. I would think being married to Becky he is only available to her for drinking from. I do not know that for a fact. It is nothing we ever talked about. There are appearances to keep. She is the leader of a church. He is a State Senator. Hard to imagine they did much spouse swapping at swinger parties. This is not a public event however, so that could be completely wrong. There are not that many spouses to swap with though. Naomi, from the Council, has a Male Vampire husband. Jessica and I. That's about it...

Naked Vampire women are not that tempting, being married to Jessica. Her scents are still on me from a quickie we managed in a small room behind the Grand Ballroom. Rachel obviously inhaled those scents but without comment. What could she say? Not like she had not been there when we performed the emergency stop at the hotel on the way home from the Airport.

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