D*mn it. F*ck me!

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Great sex starts in the mind. Morgan is very smart. Morgan has been around Vampires all week, and Morgan has been being visually and otherwise sexually stimulated, all without any relief. Four hours not enough sleep either. Morgan is mentally vulnerable to this right now.

Morgan is, in the vernacular, in the mood. Very in the mood. Before becoming a Vampire and getting the insights that provided me, I never really understood women are not that different from men in this area. Before we walked into this place tonight, Morgan needed to get laid, and there is no one around that met her standards. That did not mean she did not feel the need.

On a good day, she might have been able to resist. Morgan has not had a good day for several days now. Once the hypnotic song got past her mental guard, some very old areas of her brain took over.

Face set in stone I looked over at Jessica who looked at me with a very similar stoney expression. "Be right back."

Jessica gave me a short affirmative nod.

Morgan is going to hate herself. I am about to hate myself.

Jessica understood. She knew what I am about to do, and knew it is the only way. I wrapped my fingers tightly around Morgan's right bicep and pulled her towards the front door. She is strong for a human, but it was no problem at first to drag her towards outside.

Vera watched me drag Morgan along with curious interest. She did not seem to quite snap to what is going on: That Morgan is not completely with us anymore. Poor Morgan. Her intelligence is awash in Siren song and the needs it is now creating in her body. All that brain horsepower, focused on lizard brain physical wants and desires, making them into imperatives. Her scent off the charts.

Morgan let me drag her at first, paying attention to the music floating through the canteen style doors. When she realized I am pulling her away from the source of the music she began to fight me, bruising her upper arm more than anything else. I did not want to hurt her, but I am not going to let go. I accelerated my pace and we popped out the front door and onto the wooden porch that ran the length of the front of the building. I pulled her ahead of me and forcibly leaned Morgan up against the front railing on the porch, holding her with both hands. She struggled but is pinned by Vampire level of physical power. Even boy Vampire is twice her strength easily. In her normal state of mind, she might have gone for a knee to the crotch, but she is not herself. She is wiggling and squirming trying to get free without really thinking about the futility of that without a Vampire disabling style of dirty fighting.

I hoped being out here she might get back to herself. I did not want to do this. Not to Morgan. Not to any human really. I held her and scented. Her lust is not easing off with distance. I have no time and I have no choice.

Morgan squirmed harder. "Let me go! Damn it! I want... I want..." She is still Morgan in there someplace. She is not screaming. She is very, very determined, and she wanted. Her intoxicating scent said she very much wanted. She fought harder and I am sure would soon think to start fighting dirty. With her struggling so powerfully she is going to have deep bruises on her upper arms where I held her.

"Morgan. I'm sorry. Forgive me." I told her.

I pulled her to me. Put my exposed neck close to her nose. I concentrated and released what I hope is a carefully calibrated amount of the over-amped Vampire sexual attractant at point-blank range. I squeezed her so that Morgan gasped and took a deep breath, getting a full double lungful. I let go of one bicep, and pulled her face to my skin, and placed her open and panting mouth against my carotid. If she had been a Vampire, she would have bit the shit out of me.

Helen bitched at me constantly when I first turned until my exo-hormones came under complete control. Six months later, they are more potent than back when Helen gave me all the hell about them. Close up like this the little carbon molecules are a drug that bypassed Morgan's conscious mind, going directly to the same place the Siren Song had.

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