Only You

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I pulled back, up, and whispered in her ear. "Morgan. Can you hear me?"

"Yes.". She stopped pulling at me with all her strength. Waited, arms around my neck, ear against my mouth, but waiting. The first dose of the Juice is in her brain.

"I want you to listen to me, Morgan. Siren music has no meaning to you."

"No meaning. Of course." I felt her immediately relax a bit.

"You and I have work to do here."

"Work". Her arms dropped from my neck and fell loosely to her sides.

My face warm, and my hands slightly shaky, I started to buckle the front closure on her bra, looking at the two tiny holes around her nipple one last time. Self-honesty forces me to admit that my animal-self is not happy about putting her breasts away.

Focus Adrian... Focus.

I told Morgan with more confidence than I feel "Tonight you are going to be able to overcome the sexual urges you have. All of them. Let your need fade from your mind. You can always come back to them later. When we have more time. When there is no danger. You need to delay your need. You do that all the time, so you know how to do it. Find that path back to taking all your needs and wants and desires and putting them in that box you always do. You and I did not make love in the hot tub, even though we both very much wanted to. We cannot make love now. It is not the time. It is not the place. You know that. Breath. Slowly. Find your calm center."

I am telling myself all this as much as her, but it lent urgency to the command. Hypnotic suggestions work better when they align with what the person already wants. I know Morgan keeps these parts of her life apart. Her personal and her professional. I am giving her a way back that the hypnotics reinforce. She already wants this, even if she also wants to get screwed senseless too.

She did not reply. She looked at me, a war of expressions on her face. She stood stock still, looking up at me as I buttoned her shirt like she is a manikin in a store window.

I kept pulling her along the path of her natural inclination. "Let it pass. For tonight. We are facing a killer. You are a professional. We need to focus on William. Only dealing with William. You and I have later. You and I need to be right. To have time. Not now. Not here."

"William" she agreed, her face calming. Her scent abating. That is a cool wave of calm washing back over me. My control became far firmer. My skin less tingly. Without her desire to fuel it, my blood is going off boil too.

I kept on. "Focus on my voice. Let me guide you back to yourself. Siren Songs are nothing to you. No matter how many you hear, or how good they are, you will be able to ignore them. They will not affect you."

"Only you." Morgan agreed, and she said it like it is a love song. Yeah. OK. Not quite back yet.

"We'll wait here until you are collected, and then we'll go back inside. You will be your normal self. Alert. Ready. Paying attention to everything. You will be you, not affected by Sirens. Not affected by William. You trust me. You know you want to come back to yourself."

"Only you." Morgan agreed. Still not back all the way.

"No Siren Song. No William." I told her very firmly, trying to get her away from me to the here and now.

"No Siren Song." She agreed, finally getting off the riff about me.

"Breathe deeply. Pull yourself together. Calm. Center. Let me know when you are ready."

"OK." A note of confidence sounding like the old Morgan. Pre-animal needs Morgan.

She breathed.

Another female voice joined us

"I would not have believed it if I had not seen it." Vera said.

I had not really paid attention to Vera, although I knew she stood there for a while in a distant way. I was busy. "Believed what?"

"What you are now. How you've changed." I am not quite sure when she arrived more closely, but more than likely longer than I have been aware. I was mentally and physically swamped in Morgan, and keeping my head barely in the game. I guess Vera had been watching long enough to see everything that mattered. Far enough away she never caught my scent. Thank all the gods.

Vera looked at Morgan, and there is a hint of jealousy in her expression. "You could have fucked her right here on this porch, and she would have not only let you but gotten on top. You stopped her...."

"Well. Sure. Siren music does not affect you like it does humans. She is human."

"It does affect me. I like it. A lot. I have never lost myself in it. Not like her. And hell: nothing like she just lost herself to you. Fucking hell, Adrain." Vera cocked her head "Can you do that to me too? Totally control me like that. Make me want to have you right here, right now?"

Morgan is breathing more and more deeply and slowly. Spiraling down to Earth.

"Vera, I have no idea. You are a Siren. I never slept with one."

"Oh, screw you. You slept with me. Many, many, MANY times. It hurts me that you have so quickly forgotten all our years together." Vera said, protesting but also taking a slightly shrewish tone that is not attractive.

"I mean since I turned and you know it." I scolded, irritated by the tone in her voice. I indicated Morgan with my head. "What if I did affect you that way? What good would that be? I am married to that tall, strong women in there. She'd break you in two, and me for good measure."

"Yet here you are out here getting it on with her." She saw me do everything to stop that. The twisting of the facts maddening. Vera heard what I said. Heard me talking Morgan down off the ledge.

Morgan interjected "He is not and was not getting it on with me. He ... returned my control to me. Thank you, Adrian." Moran shrugged and adjusted her shirt and bra slightly. I guess I did not get it quite right. She rubbed her breast where I bit her. "Interesting. Does not hurt at all. Or here" She rubbed her neck where the twin fang marks where visible as tiny red dots. Twin hypodermics injection sites.

"It's not supposed to. The enzymes and proteins that speed the healing also act to remove any pain." I replied, happy to be on safer ground.

Morgan rubbed her breast again. "It works. A slight pleasant tingling. I guess I should admit to you that you were correct about how I would be affected. I am referring to in the hot tub the other night? The second time? Only you and I naked in my room?"

I smiled at her, and she returned it. A little smack-down too: her telling Vera that Morgan and I hot tubbed naked together. "Yes, well, as I said: I think how smart you are is an amplifier, and that therefore you had no chance against them. Against me. Further, you were predisposed. Add that together, and I was able to haul you away from them and to me, where I could bring you back to Earth mostly unharmed."

"Quite right." Morgan agreed and sounded very like herself now.

One more shrug to be sure everything was in place as it should be. Morgan gestured at the door to indicate we should proceed there.

Morgan decided Vera needed a mental image. "Very pleasant, miss. Vera, I think your name is? You would have liked the experience a great deal." Morgan rubbed the breast I had bitten to underline it. Then to me, Morgan said, "Shall we go inside?". She sounds like herself, and I felt relief flooding into me.

I led the way. "Yes. Let's join the others, and then join the William and Larry party, already in progress."

Vera did not take to Morgan's remark well. "I need some help with my self-control Adrian." Vera snarked at us as we re-entered that bar. I paused, looked back, and she was cupping her familiar breasts. After Morgan's... I love Morgan, I like Vera. There is no competition.

I went for an easy way down. "Right. Perhaps this is not the best time, Vera? We have very serious business to attend to here.  Species-level issues to deal with at the moment." Before going in I added with complete sincerity "Thanks for calling me, Vera, about William. Let me see what I can do about getting him out of your life now."

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