Larry and the Sirens

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I saw Larry sitting at a big table near the wooden bar at the back of the room. I had to cross the room to get there, a Vampire on parade. I looked around as I walked. There are not many other people in the room. It is early yet. This place did not start hopping until at least nine PM. I saw faces I know as Sirens regulars here, but not any of the ones I really do not want to see. The ones who beat me. Tasered me. Smashed my fangs out with a hammer.

I could not remember exactly which Sirens I smashed up in either of the bar fights. I only received brief glimpses of them as I sent them whirling away, with sufficient battle damage to discourage them from coming my way again. Rachel, Helen, and Jessica pounded a fair few too, so just because they had an arm in a sling doesn't mean I did that.

About halfway across the room to the bar, I heard the door swing open behind me and an indignant Vera call after me "Really? Honestly? Adrian? You fucked her? The god damn Snow Queen!?!"

I regretted having said anything. Me and my snarky mouth. I stopped, turned back, smiled "Vera. I claimed her. By your world's rules, what does that mean?"

Vera has only been living in the world of the Sirens for a few months. Even less time than I have been a Vampire. She looked at me, trying to decide what that meant.

"You fucked the tall one too? And the captive? Jesus, Adrian! How many women do you need now that you are Vampire?"

Vera is referring to Helen's significant other, Rachel, as the 'Tall One'. I claimed her according to the rules of the Siren. Rachel and I never slept together. Rachel has no use for men, sexually. The 'captive' is Melissa, and I would never touch her. Still, it is politically useful to have Vera think I am now a sex-machine. Put some mystery back into the Vampire world for her, and by extension, the Sirens.

I shrugged "Quite a few. You know what I was like before, and now I possess Vampire stamina and Vampire needs. I would claim you too, because the gods know your sweet self is a firecracker in the sack when properly lit, and you and I both know what 'properly' means. These days there would be some fangs between the legs as a warmup, but, let's be honest, I think you would enjoy getting fanged before you got a royal Vampire all in all points fucking. On the other hand, Larry likes you, and I think Helen would as soon kill you as look at you, and I don't want to be pulling her off you all the time, so probably I won't."

A pause for effect. "Probably. No promises."

Another pause. "Assuming I really did her and I'm not full of shit. You decide. I may see about seducing Leslie since she brings me beer, and I think she might be a lot like you in the sack."

I can't help being me sometimes. I also calculated that this public conversation might help her with her love life. Inspire some better efforts on the part of the boys around here.

Vera looked at me, trying to match this up to our years together. She knows Larry wants her, and she knows Helen hates her, so I am not completely bullshitting. Finally, Vera shook her head in frustration and backed into the lobby area. I turned and headed to the bar where Larry listened to the exchange with interest.

The bartender, Leslie, is another of the Sirens I like. A happy-go-lucky woman with a seize the day, fuck it all kind of attitude. Leslie placed a cold Shiner Bock long neck on the bar. I come here enough she knows my order. They do not have some beers I might like as well or better, but you can never go wrong with Shiner Bock. "Thanks, Leslie. You're a lifesaver." I picked up the bottle and emptied a third of it. Fuel.

"No problem, cutie. I love your BS. You can fuck me any day. Fangs and all. Just say the word." She said with a wink.

Larry shook his head in admiration. "You aren't a Siren. Can't sing worth a fucken lick. Yet you got girl Sirens dying to jump your ass. That one" He pointed at Leslie. I think the fact I actually know her name gets me points with her. Larry pointed toward to double-hinged swinging doors. "Vera up there. Sheeit. You gotta tell me how you do that man."

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