Blood is a Real Problem For Me

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Blood is a real problem for me now. I have moved the battle zone to new places on the floor five times because of effusive bleeding making the floor slippery. A few minutes later, I faked a stumble of my own, and when William moved in, I went under him, leaving him another centered, full power punch in the balls for his trouble. He is not the only actor in this, but that is the first time I used a stumble. A distant and lonely voice that is probably me is sad. The only major emotion I have about punching another man's gonads is a slight satisfaction thinking I landed another blow for Helen where she would most like me to do it.

No Rules.

This is the freest form of Siren fight. I have to win, no matter how dirty the win. I have knives on me, and if I need to, I will use them. I have them hidden and holstered, but they are a comfort. A secret weapon. If William got his hands on me, I am bringing them out and putting them into the fray.

Early in the fight, I only used my hands and feet. I did not like how close I have to be to use an elbow or a knee. I slid in combos when I could, such as where an elbow to the ear or a knee to the kidney is nothing he could defend, and nothing he expected. I am changing my tactics and fighting style so he can never know what I am going to do next. Jessica's fighting style is no particular school of fighting. Use what works, and change it up. She is my teacher.

William must go down today. I need to win. There is too much at stake. Somewhere deep under the coldness, is the thought that he killed my baby, and every blow I land is at least, in some feral, tiny, vicious way, powered by my hatred of him. This isn't only for Helen. It is for me, and our little one we'll never get to meet.

The last crotch blow was well placed and had speed behind it. William's face hit the floor so hard I heard it echo slowly, and as I spun back to see, William is still face down and arched over his privates, and a red stain growing rapidly on his pants.

As a fellow male, I understood and sympathized with the agony of that. 

I took mercy on him by leaping up and with arching blows sledge-hammered the left kidney, and when that got no response, sledged the right one. All my weight. Straight down and in. Changing position, I did it again. And again. And again. And again. I am not sure how many times. It is still like hitting wet sand, and my hands are beyond numb from the impacts. I could not feel me hitting him. I could hear it even in hypertime though. I know I am getting in solid licks.

I disengaged, panting from the exertion. I wiped my face with my hand and smelled my blood. I did not pant for long. I am not sure how long he will stay down. Hitting him has so little obvious effect. I have to keep going. Push through the tiredness I can feel. My speed is using up body resources. Basic physics. I am going very fast, pushing a lot of air out of my way, expending huge amounts of energy both mental and physical. Jessica trained my body, but it is still only a young, male Vampire body.

William pushed up off the floor. Stepping behind him, I went with a foot to the groin, hooking it up from the back, heard a gurgling sound, and he fell over again, face smacking the floor hard for a second time, and he writhed in pain. Other than trying to get off the floor, He has not fought back these last few seconds in any way. He did not try to stop the rain of punches to the torso from above. He is wide open for whatever I have the energy to do to him.

I stopped the torment I am raining down on his back. Slide back to normal time so I could talk. "Do.. you... yield?" I asked him, panting. Helen would not want me to do that. Give him a chance. Treat him fairly. I had to ask. It is a penance for the low blows if nothing else.

"Fuck. You." William gasped. Defiant. Angry.

"Correct answer." I told him. Helen would not want me to stop yet.

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