Morgan Brings a Gift

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The three of us lay in bed the next morning, talking about this, that, and the other thing. Our most normal morning together since we found out that Helen was pregnant. There is the outside world, and then there is us. Here. In Helen's room, talking quietly. Laughing a bit about odd things. I am more relaxed than I have been since the attack. There is still a sadness coloring it all. The loss of the baby is still with us, in our hearts. Healing has started.

At ten AM, the front doorbell rang, and Denise answered it and asked Morgan inside the house. There is no need to announce the arrival. Not to Vampires. If nothing else, I did not know anyone else that drove a cherry 1991 Miata. I heard it a mile away. The three of us trudged down the stairs to meet her, and Morgan's quick look at me wearing yesterdays clothes, Helen and Jessica's robes told me she incorrectly surmised the events of the evening.

Morgan did not expect the way that Helen looked. "Helen! You were stabbed recently: maybe you recall? Run all the way through. I thought it was you? You look terrific!"

Helen smiled at Morgan warmly. Whatever she may feel about Morgan as a rival is not apparent. Maybe Helen had been jerking my chain completely? "Thank you, dear. I feel amazingly good. I still feel your blood coursing through me. Makes me feel warm. I am about done being cooped up here, however."

"Surely you are not able to fight yet... ?" Morgan half asked, looking for confirmation to Jessica. Not looking at me. Well, I am not the Doctor.

Helen told her with a laugh "Oh, no. Not that good. Still, No need to stay in that bed, and only get out of it to do the exercises my Doctors ordered. I am better than that."

Jessica looked suddenly appalled. "Morgan: We have no manners. Tea. Coffee? Omelet? Bed? Full body massage?"

Denise returned to the living room from the Kitchen as if on cue. She brought from the kitchen a tray, balanced easily on one hand. A tea and coffee service sat upon it. "How many times you been here, Morgan?" She asked. "Because after the third time, you are no longer a guest but a member of the family, and they make you get everything your own damn self."

"Thank you very much, Denise. I have not counted, but much more than three times."

Denise made a face. "OK. Oh well, I was headed in there anyway. Help yourself." Denise is not a bigot against humans, thinking nothing of serving one. Of course, Denise is a member of the Cleanup Crew, and Morgan a detective. Their line of work not far apart, other than the assassinations Denise has done over the years.

Denise respects Morgan. I wondered at one level if it is because she is a woman, but realized that is not fair.

We settled into the couch. Morgan did not look like she has gotten much sleep (thus Jessica's offer of a bed). There are circles under her eyes. I carefully inhaled her scent, noting an effusion of tiredness. She sipped her tea with a grateful expression.

"So, what were you up to all night? Also, you said you knew to be getting in a solid eight? You fucked that up. I hope it's good." I asked although it is not really a question. I knew Morgan had something.

"You have news?" Helen asked

"Some news. Nothing actionable yet." Morgan looked around the living room "I thought Anne is here too."

"She is." Denise said "Catching a quick nap."

"Oh. OK.". Morgan had more tea. I hope that is a caffeinated version. Morgan needs it.

"What do you have?" Helen asked, trying not to look eager.

"You know about the various kinds of technologies the border patrol uses? To catch people crossing the desert and the like?" Morgan asked.

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