'The life of the Puffs'

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-morning 7:00

Blossom blew her ginger bangs as she was wide awake for the whole morning doing homework and she wasn't proud of it. She was only lucky that it was a Saturday she yawned loudly as she could hear shouting or yelling from downstairs,
Blossom raised an eyebrow it sounded like buttercup since her voice was so different compare to hers and bubbles, her voice was boyish
And feminine in a way, bubbles had a high pitch feminine voice and for blossom it was a general dull feminine voice but Just slightly low In a way.
Blossom she got up her hair was in a mess as usually but she couldn't help to do anything about it.
She put on her pink bunny slippers on as she stretched her arms out to go down the stairs Blossom was still surprised on how bubbles was still sleeping
Because of the yelling down the stairs, she then got down as she reached the first floor she then saw,
Buttercup on the floor sitting down as she rubbed her arm that was bleeding a bit.
"Buttercup What did you do?" Blossom sighed as she went closer to buttercup as butch gave a turn around to face the other direction.
"It's nothing.." butch said as he gave the other direction as blossom sighed she grabbed buttercup hand.
"Gimme here" she snapped as she snatched buttercup hand forward as butch groaned from the pain.
"Ouch what are you doing that hurts! Your only going to make it worse" butch mutters but still feels the pain so made him squeal a bit.
"Oh Shut the whinnying I already have bubbles to take care of when she cries" blossom said as she looked at the hand closer as she looked at buttercup as butch tilt his head
"Want me to put a bandage?" Blossom asked as butch nodded he like bandage especially on the arm he liked showing off to girls,

Just to show how cool he his "Yeah sure I don't mind" butch said as he shrugged as blossom nodded with a small smile.
"Yeah just wait there I ask the professor if he even has some of not I could buy them from the store that is close to us" blossom smiled as butch just nodded he couldn't
Help to admire
Blossom smile she walked off butch put his head down, 'is that why Brick attracted to blossom?' Butch thought, whenever brick wonders around the streets and then walks to blossom school he will always see her with that
Other ginger nerd dude, and she would smile like she never did with brick that would always get him jealous he sighed he just only wished that brick
Had a chance he never meant to hurt blossom he only did because of mojo he never wanted to
Hurt blossom or do anything bad he clearly was just trying to protect her from Mojo, but she could never see what he sees when he was with his brothers he was always abuse from mojo.
He heard footsteps coming in blossom walked in with a smiling face as she came close to butch
Butch kept his distance he didn't want to steal bricks crush or who knows what he would do,
All butch knew was all hell would break loose if he did, especially this close to blossom when being buttercup would make him jealous.
"Gimme that hand again" blossom ordered, butch followed only because it would stop her nagging, he gave her his arm butch grinned she liked how direct blossom was it was kinda like how brick would control his group.
Blossom looked up with a confused face she found herself with a grinning buttercup.

"What's so funny?" She said in detest as butch got startled and thought of the way to lie and so he did.
"Your hair is messy" butch lied as blossom sighed as she nodded as she put the bandage on buttercup arm.
"I know don't need to remind me you literally just yelled and I had to come downstairs to see what was going on" blossom said truthfully as she wrapped buttercup arm like a mummy.
She let go as she smiled and nods "done!" She said like she worked in a office as she finished a complete neat knot to hold it in as butch smiled a bit.
"Thanks I guess" he mutters a bit as blossom nodded with a proud nod again.
"No problem" blossom said and then stopped smiling
Like a idiot as she glared at buttercup In confusion as butch glared at her back.
"What?" He said as he rubs the bandage as blossom stop staring as a tiny bit of blush form because of embarrassment.
"Is just that? How did you manage to do that?" Blossom said trying to keep in a sudden laughter as I shrugged I honestly thought I couldn't be able to bleed with buttercup hand since she was
So manly in every shape of form.
"I fell down the stairs because I was really sleepy and I bashed into the wall making me fall in to something pointy that made my skin open" butch said like he was proudly giving out a speech,
Blossom confusion turn into a grin then to a giggles as she tried to stop herself but couldn't.
"Ack I'm sorry I never heard anything more stupid then that" blossom giggled even more as butch just blushed a bit from the embarrassment.
"Maybe you should try it" butch mutters as buttercup pats her bash as she grinned at her.

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