'Greens meeting'

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'Brick is gone, and I don't know where the hell is boomer..'
Buttercup thought but shrugged she had to meet butch after all anyways so it was no biggie.
'I guess I should be going then..' buttercup thought to herself as she dressed herself neatly as she went to where they should meet.
She found butch on his phone waiting patiently as he looked up.
"Why are you so early?" Buttercup asked as butch shrugged he didn't care, after all bubbles is still sleeping and
Blossom was trying to find brick so obviously it was the best time to come over.
"Nothing it doesn't matter, want me to teach you?" Butch said as buttercup gasped and nodded with a smile on her face.
"But warning my powers are not as easy as they seem it took me two weeks to know the basic but 2 years to fully take control of it"
Butch said as buttercup sighed she never really saw butch power after all he was pretending to act tough,
Pretending to fight all that he did was fake..
And she thought it was real, "it's okay just take your time.."
buttercup said as butch nodded as he smirked as he reached out to grab buttercup hand as she blushed a bit red on his sudden turn.
"Hey what are you doing?" Buttercup said as butch shush her as she tried to get away from his grip, and successfully work done with butch body.
Butch sigh "do you want me to teach it to you or not?"

Butch said as buttercup shook her head as he raised an eyebrow.
"Not with touching" buttercup said as she turned to the other direction as butch frowned with low hesitation.
"This requires a lot of touching bc" butch said as buttercup sighed
She rolled her eyes but nodded "fine.." she mutters butch then again touched her hand while buttercup kept blushing which made butch confused,
Is she always like this? He thought but then smirked as the thought he could tease her for it.
"Why you blushing butters~" butch teased as buttercup rolled her eyes and elbowed butch that hit his chest meaning the boobs as he coughed as he groaned in pain a bit.
Butch fell onto the floor already feeling the pain from the breasts.
"Ow that hurts" butch whines as buttercup eyed rolled as butch remembered buttercup promise "you said you wouldn't hit me" butch shot as buttercup sniggers a bit as she crossed her eyes together.
"Oops" She said with a dark look as butch sighed their was no way he was ether going to teach a girl
Like buttercup if she couldn't even keep one simple promise.
"Fine then do it your way" butch said with a miserable expression as he got back up as buttercup just watched him confused on what it was a about to do.
"What are you doing-?" Buttercup said but got cut off by butch from being a pain in the arse.

"Leaving" He said simply as he nearly walked out but buttercup stopped him as she held his hand she didn't care anymore she needed him she couldn't make any mistakes seeing that
His brothers where getting more and more suspicious about her.
"Wait.." buttercup said as she hugged butch hand making butch stop walking off as she sighed.
"I'm sorry..Let's try it again..okay, no hard feelings right?" Buttercup said with a smile on her face as she got of butch arm as she kept her distance away from him a bit nervous feeling her
Cheeks burn up as she faced him and butch looked at her back but nodded Waugh a caring smile
Making her heart drop a bit. "Okay let's do it again" he said serious as he kept his cheekiness away
And went towards buttercups she held her arm again.
As he traced down his fingers to her palm making her heart tingle a bit she didn't know butch could be so serious he would usually just joke or tease,
But ever since she apologised he's been more focused than ever..
Which made her a bit uncomfortable but she liked it In away because it was new but a nice new.
Butch pressed her palm as a dark green light shown in her palm as she gasped.
"That's so cool" buttercup said as butch nodded with agreement as he nodded.
"Yeah it only gets cooler if you know how to control my power" Butch smirks with a tight grin on his face.
"Close your eyes" butch said and buttercup obeyed without any thinking or asking as butch went close to her ears "what can you see?"

Butch asked as buttercup saw nothing but black the colour of darkness.
"Nothing.." she said back as butch nodded as he smiled a bit knowing that's what he said when mojo taught him how to use his powers.
"Good, now keep thinking of you keep calm you would feel something on your hand"
Butch said and buttercup did she imagined a green hand full of power as butch glared at her hand seeing the hand grow on her hand and then disappears and then returns but not in her hand but next to her hand.
"Open your eyes now" butch said as buttercup nodded and opened and saw a big green hand next to her with dark green flames coming out of it,
A power of destruction that could cause damage for all Buttercup knew.
"Now what?" Buttercup asked as butch smiled as he nodded.
"Keep that focus if you loose your focus it would disappear because you lost control of it" butch said as buttercup nodded understood of what butch just said.
"Okay.." buttercup said as butch nodded as she tried to take control
Of the hand but lose the control and it disappears.
Buttercup sighed "it's hard isn't it?" Butch smiled as buttercup shrugged but nodded "it's okay but once I get the basics of it, it should be okay"
Buttercup smiled back as for butch who continued teaching her how to use his powers.
(Morning with the rowdy's)

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