Boomer's lash out

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"Wait What?" Buttercup said as butch sighed she didn't want to explain the whole bloody story again she frowned as butch raised his eyebrow.
"Your sister got taken-" butch said but got cut off her explaining by butch mouthy lips.
"Yeah I know" buttercup smiled a bit wow butch wanted to hit her but playfully of course but wasn't sure if he should as his eyes narrowed a bit angrily
"Well gee thanks what waste of my energy" butch said as he hissed at her as buttercup chuckled a bit of butch sense of humour.
"Your so lazy" buttercup scoffed back at him as butch shook his head twice he wasn't lazy he was just tired of talking she hated talking he loved doing it, and wasting energy from words.
"No, I'm just bored of this same old story of taking too someone"
Butch said as buttercup chuckled as she eyed rolled but nodded as to say 'okay' which was clear to butch so she nodded and stayed a bit quiet for a while.
"Okay fine I will help" buttercup said as butch nodded with a small smile on his face.

"That's cute you care about someone" butch said as buttercup frowned of course she did bubbles was her sister after all why would she want to loose a
Sister she knew for a long time, "ha ha, very funny Butchie boy but as you can see I do have a heart I'm not cold hearted as you" buttercup argued back
A bit quiet on the tone a voice a bit nervous on her statement not sure it was her place to say that.
"What's with that nickname?" Butch snarled as buttercup frowned but she was glad that he only picked up on that word unlike other people who wouldn't.
"Don't like Fine I will change it, I'm suggesting mountain hairline-" buttercup got caught by
Butch shaking his hand to the left to take right as to say 'enough' she smirked she hated getting told but if it was by butch it would be kinda funny for some reason she didn't know why
But she liked to get argued by butch, only because he usually has something good to say as a comeback she stopped.
"No I'm fine with Butchie " butch said as buttercup shrugged.
"Suit yourself" buttercup mutters under her breathe butch heard it but ignored the statement he couldn't careless what she had to say.
"I will, butters..~" butch teased as buttercup eyes shrink as butch laughed from the reaction as buttercup sighed and pushed him playfully which made him more laugh.
"What? It's only fair if I have a nickname for you isn't it butters" butch smirked as buttercup rolled her eyes as she crossed her arm close to her stomach.
"Fine..Butchie" buttercup mutters quietly under her breathe again
As butch just laughs and nodded "I hate this" butch mutters as buttercup raised an eyebrow on to say 'why?'

Butch frowned he hated being buttercup he had to save someone which he didn't care for if he was in his body right now, he would make a deal with
Buttercup but he couldn't now that's for sure because he had to because of blossom "nothing, let's go Okay?" Butch said as buttercup slowly nodded but then gasped as she took butch hand again as butch raised an eyebrow.
"What?" He asked as buttercup just frowned she had the word 'what?' Because she word 'what' she didn't like she found it rude but to be honest she couldn't blame him
After all it's in the dictionary so what's the point arguing about it, it would be just her asking for it which she didn't want.
"Can we meet tonight at the same place?" Buttercup asked as butch nodded
With a reassuring face with a kind hearted smile as buttercup nodded.
"Yeah sure, but only-" butch said but got cut of by the rude buttercup.
"Only-?" She said sternly with a cross face as she glared annoyed at butch as she flicked her hair out of the way very sassily.
"If you help me too, look I'm not the only one that needs help Okay?" Butch pleaded  as buttercup growled with
A moan as butch rolled his eyes.
"...." butch didn't say anything because he thought buttercup would moan louder over him she sighed but nodded with a tired look on her face.
"Fine I will help you then.." buttercup moaned as butch mouthed yes as buttercup eyed rolled, she couldn't believe that she had to help butch,

but She had to admit butch did help her it was only fair that she had to owe him one and help him.
"Thanks butters" butch smiled as buttercup nodded Bored as a beaten bat laying on the floor watching till his time is up to go to heaven.
"Yeah yeah no problem let's just get this over and done with" Buttercup said as butch nodded as he looked for blossom but it looked like she was busy taking to boomer plus a bonus moron boomer.
"We can't now blossom busy sorting with the others she needs to her brick and boomer involve
In this plan" butch said as buttercup sighed she now to had to wait for miss chatter box.
"Good luck to her then" buttercup said sarcastically as butch chuckled a bit because he definitely did agreed to that, because
It would be difficult to get both of his brothers especially himself to get there on lives put on risk.
"What do you want to do now?" Buttercup asked as butch had a idea he smiled they did have time as well.
"Let's practice using are powers" butch suggested as buttercup nodded it was a good call she stretched her arms.
"Me or you?" She said asking who would or should go first and obviously butch said himself because he had no idea how to use her powers.
"Ugh Fine..sir down While floating" buttercup ordered and butch obeyed her command.
"What?!" Boomer said as blossom and brick raised their eyebrows at him with a surprise shocked within
His reaction "how did this happen? When and why?" He said annoyed
As brick looked at blossom and brick did the same he looked at blossom both totally startled from boomer reaction from what was happening.
Boomer looked at blossom and brick for a answer as they stood in silence
In complete silence as one started to crack up which
Blossom then did she couldn't help it she couldn't believe that boomer actually cared for the blue eye cry baby, it was yet cute and surprisingly weird at the same time,
Brick started to do the same as he spotted blossom giggling away so he did the same he sneers as then chuckled as boomer frowned he didn't understand
Why they where laughing after all this was a serious matter to him...
But he didn't know why..why would he even care for someone that was his enemy for 10 years or above, he gave a confused look at the redheads
"Oh boomer are you really that gullible to not understand what we are laughing about?" Blossom said as
He raised an eyebrow but shook his head as blossom snorted but then stopped she sighed, what boomer really that thick when it came to, care or love?
"It's nothing" Brick said as he answered blossom as she shut her mouth right away as brick answers
As boomer shook his head he actually was bothered the fact he didn't understand that why it was funny to laugh in a situation like this.
"No really tell me" Boomer said as brick frowned as he scratched his head a bit nervously as blossom giggled away but she sighed.
"We found it funny you actually care" blossom said a bit tired from the arguments they just had while boomer nodded.

"Well of course I-?" Boomer Shut his mouth as he clapped his hands over his mouth surprised what he just said, what he really turning this stupid?
Not able to realise that what he was saying was beyond a secret.
"Huh? What was that boom?" Brick smirked as he catches boomer blushing a bit red as he looked the other way.
"N-nothing" he said as brick laughed a bit as he went closer I him just to ruffle his hair like a dog.
"That's so cute! I never know you liked her!" Bubbles said as she giggled as boomer hissed at her as brick narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend.
"Don't push it babe" brick said seriously as blossom nodded a bit sadly like but obeyed brick as brick turned back to boomer who looked down he patted his back as boomer looked up at brick with a worrying eye.
"Is it okay to love a puff?" Boomer whispered as brick nodded slightly as he went to his ear.
"Yeah I banged one and it was well hot, trust me it is" Brick whispers quietly as he grinned as boomer gagged at his response as he shoved his face to other direction.
"You just made me change my mind"
Boomer said as he put his hand in his forehead as he groaned.
"Ooh! In coming sex images!" He smiled sarcastically as then changed it up to a depressing face as brick laughed a bit,
"You getting it now" Brick said smiling like a idiot would do at the time like this, as boomer rolled his eyes.

"Bless my virgin eyes" boomer shook his head slightly as he moans muttering he looked at the dirty floor frowning he regretted ever
Listening to brick. As he looked up to see a laughing idiot meaning a red head asshole.
"Pervert" Boomer mutters under his stinky breath.
"Oh grow up!" Brick argued as he heard boomer unclear response as boomer just chuckled.
"Well I sure don't want to know what you guys talked about" blossom said as brick put his arm around her shoulder.
"And I sure didn't even wanted to know!" Boomer said as blossom looked at brick and scoffed at him as brick looked at the other direction to not
Face the moody blossom, blossom sighed "so where is bubbles?" Boomer ignoring brick wired behaviour as blossom
Shrugged helplessly while boomer just raised an eyebrow
"What do you mean? *mimics her shrug* by that?" Boomer said annoyed as blossom frowned she didn't know but she wanted the rowdy's to help her.
"That's why we needed your help, to help find where she's at"
Blossom said as boomer smiled and then grinned sarcastically... if you can even do that? Call it a talent I guess, if you can
Blossom looked nervous as she fiddled with her hair as she smiled weakly.
"Your taking the piss?" Boomer asked as blossom shook her head straight forward as brick sighed.
"Look are you in or not?" Brick asked wicks frustrated look on his face as boomer sighed but nodded as blossom grinned.

"Good" blossom said blessed with help  thankful for the rowdy's help.
"But I'm only doing it for bubbles, so yeah.." boomer said as he turns his face to the other direction blushing in embarrassment.
While blossom giggled a little bit again she couldn't help to find this again "I think we should the greens in this because we need to create a plan together" blossom suggested as brick agrees as he nodded with a reassuring nod as he looked where the greens where....fighting? If you can even call that fighting.
"Shall I call them?" Brick said as he turned back to blossom as she nodded with a 'duh' look
Brick nodded and faced away from blossom and looked where buttercup and butch where "BUTCH WND BUTTERCUP COME HERE!" Brick shouted while boomer and blossom
Shut their poor ears with their hands, which didn't even do much, but at least brick got their attention.
"My poor eats..." boomer whined as he took his hands of his ears and so did blossom.

To be continued..
Hoped you enjoyed!!

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