Chapter 1

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Storybrooke (6 weeks later)
Granny's diner slammed on the ground back where it was in the first place. The lights were flickering on and off, the cups and plates were all on the ground, some broken. Tables and chairs were scattered throughout the little restaurant. Everyone was either on the ground or lying in a booth. Killian, Emma, Snow, David, Robin, Henry, Roland and Belle. They all stood up carefully after the rough landing, each helping one another. Everyone looked confused as to why they were back in Storybrooke. Snow stood up and held Neal in her arms making sure he was okay. David came over to her to see...he was just fine. Henry and Roland were aided by Belle, who ever so often babysat the 4 year old.

Killian looked at Emma and helped her up to make sure she was okay. Once he examined her, he saw she was in her white cloak and dress. He figured they got the darkness out of her in Camelot he just, couldn't remember.

Robin stood up and looked around the room. He went in the back and asked Snow to check the girls bathroom. She was nowhere to be found. Killian saw him searching frantically for something he didn't know of.
"Robin—mate. What are you looking for?" Killian asked putting his hand out towards him.
"I—she's not—where is—" Robin couldn't get his words together to say what he was trying to say.  Instead, he continued looking throughout the small diner. Finally, he couldn't take it and had to ask.
"Where's Regina?!" He said raising his voice. Everyone shot him a look as they realized he was right. Regina was nowhere to be found. They all looked around in confusion because they had no idea where she could've been. Robin threw himself in a chair and buried his face in his hands.

The worse thoughts ran through his mind.
'We went to Camelot to save Emma of the darkness but return without Regina?' He thought. The thief was taken from his mind as a soft hand rested on his forearm.


She knelt to his eye level as he removed his hands from his face.

"Robin, I know this is scary and I know you are thinking the worse, but you have to trust me when I say, we will find Regina. I don't know where or when, but we will find her—"
"How will we find her if we don't even know what happened in Camelot. Our memories were taken. Again. She could be dead for all I know..." Robin said as his last words came to a whisper. Snow saw how racked up he was about this. She rubbed his arm gently as a single tear fell from his ocean blue eyes.

"Have hope. We will find Regina. And I won't ever stop looking until I do."

Sorry this first part was kinda short. I'll try to make them longer in the future. And sorry for the kind of cliffhanger.
Xoxo, Rissy

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