Chapter 11

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9 years ago in Storybrooke....

Regina and Robin were walking through the forest, enjoying so much needed quality time. With 6 year old Henry at home and little Roland in the Enchanted Forest with his mother's side of the family they haven't really had time to themselves.

They talked.

Something they haven't done in a while.

About everything. From birthdays to weddings, everything was talked about. Until they heard a small whimper.
"Robin, What is that?" Regina asked in a bit of a panic.
"What is what?" He asked.
The whimper filled the air again.
"That." She answered, this time going towards the sound.
"Regina be careful." He warned.
Regina walked carefully towards the sound and was met with a small girl, about 6 or 7 years old, sitting on a rock. The girl looked up a little frightened when she heard Regina approach her.
"Hi sweetie. Are you lost?" Regina asked kneeling down to her level.
The little girl simply nodded her head in response.
"Okay, umm. Where was the last place you saw your parents?" Regina asked still trying to think of what to do.
"T-T-They left me when I was a baby. I-I-I came out here alone." The little girl replied. Her big brown eyes stared into Regina's as tears ran down her cheeks. Her tiny body shook and her little red dress and white frilly socks were covered in dirt and mud. Her black shiny shoes were as well, though you couldn't see it very well. Regina looked at Robin who was standing behind her. He gave her no indication of what to do next.
"Before we do anything, I need to know your name." Regina said.
"My name is Meg."
"Okay Meg, I am Regina and this is Robin. We're going to take you with us so you can get cleaned up and then we will figure out what to do, Okay?"
The little girl nodded as Regina stood up and took her hand, leading her through the forest.

Once they got home, the first thing Regina registered was a child like weight collide into her stomach and tiny arms wrap around her waist. Henry had hugged her.
"Hi Henry!" She said giving him a kiss on the head.
"Hi mommy! Look what me and mommy made!" He said dragging her over to the table. On it, were two pictures. One of Emma, Henry and Killian and the other of Regina, Robin and Henry. His two families.
"Aww. Henry you made this?" Regina asked a little testy eyed.
"Yeah. It's me, my mommy and Killian and me, you and Robin. It's all of my family!"
"Well, I don't know about all..." she said with the raise of an eyebrow.
"Huh?" Henry questioned, not hearing what she said.
"Nothing!" Regina exclaimed, regretting saying it knowing she was going to have to explain his complicated family tree to him eventually.
"Henry, come here." Regina said leading him to the couch. She sat him on her lap and kissed his head.
"Henry, you know I love you and you know I want what's best for you, right?" She asked. He nodded his head and played with her hair.
"So, part of doing what's best for you is sometimes, welcoming new people to your family and treating them like family."
"Mommy What do you mean?" He asked.
"When Robin and I were taking a walk, we met a little girl. She's your age but she was lost. Her name is Meg and she's going to stay with us for a while. You will still have your own room but someone will be across the hall. So I need you to be super nice to her because she's been through some things, Okay?" Regina explained. Henry smiled and nodded, jumping off of Regina's lap.
"This is going to work out." Regina said to herself.

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