Chapter 9

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Robin raced out of the hospital after setting Regina down on her bed. He went to find somebody, anybody he could talk to. Robin then saw everyone enter Granny's and decided to go there. When he got in the small diner, everyone guestered for him to sit with them.

"Robin, are you okay? You look really pale." Belle pointed out.
"Yeah...I guess. I don't really know." He replied rapidly.
"Woah Robin, slow down. What happened after you went to the hospital?" Snow asked.
He took a deep breath and started talking.
"Regina was there. She was in a two day coma and woke up today. When she woke up and started freaking out. All the symptoms the doctor told me were the symptoms of a panic attack so I think she woke up in a panic attack. If that's even possible...anyway, I was the only one that could calm her down apparently so when she saw me ...all of her fear went away. I hugged her and told her it was okay and soon enough, she fell asleep in my arms. The doctor gave me some of her stuff and then told me.... told me that Regina went in the coma, after she had a baby. I don't remember her being pregnant but the child is definitely mine. Her name is Aria and she's at the hospital."

Robin looked at everyone looking at him. Faces consisted of excitement, confusion and speechlessness.

"I know. That's what I said." Robin said examining their faces.
Snow shook out of her expression and spoke up.
"Robin, you have a daughter. That's great."

"It would be even better if I remembered any of the before factor of this situation." He sighed.

"Well mate, we all know what happened before the child." Killian said with a raise of the eyebrow and wide eyes looking down and side to side. Emma chuckled and nudged him.

Everyone looked at him and began laughing. Even Robin let out a little chuckle midst all his stress. After the little chuckle session they returned to business.
"Okay, so we know Regina is safe at least, right?"
Belle asked.
Everyone groaned after Robin said that.
"Hear me out, she may be. When I left she was still asleep so I have no idea how she's going to be when she wakes up."
"When is she discharged?" Emma asked.
"I have no idea. But the baby has to stay in the hospital until Regina gets on her feet." Robin replied.
"Now there's only one thing to do," David started.
"And what would that be?" Belle asked.
"Get our memories back." He finished.
"But how is the question." Emma stated.
"We could always look things up in the library, or ask Rumple..." Snow said.
"Belle, do you think Rumple would help us?" Emma asked.
"If he had a nice reason to, Yeah." She answered.
"Good. We should get on that then—"
Robin was interrupted by his phone vibrating on the table. It was a call from the hospital saying Regina was waking up and freaking out.
Robin hung up with fear in his face.
"What is it?" Emma asked concerned it was something about her best friend.
"Regina woke up and is freaking out again." Robin replied grabbing his things.
"Robin let me help you. Please, I care about her too." Emma pleaded standing up.
"Okay. But don't take it the wrong way if she says something or pushes you away."
Emma smiled. She blew her parents kisses and gave Killian a quick one. Before they left Robin turned to Belle.
"Belle, can you please check on the kids? I know Meg is responsible but they still need an adult there." He asked.
Belle nodded and they went out of the tiny diner. Once they got to the hospital, tons of doctors approached them telling them to go to Regina's room. When Robin entered, Regina was in more ...pain that ever. Her heart rate was up more than ever and beads of sweat ran down her face. Tears flooded her cheeks and red clouded her eyes from crying so much. Her body was shaking and she was trying to rip the doctors away from her.

Robin slowly walked in but Emma could do it. She couldn't see her best friend like this. It was too painful. Robin couldn't stand seeing her like this but he knew he had to in order to help her.
The doctors cleared a way for Robin to sit by Regina. As soon as his hand rested on her back, she stopped moving.
"Regina," he started.
Without moving, she replied, "R..Robin?"
"Yes, it's me. Your okay. Your safe." He reassured her.
"Robin..." she cried as her face collided with his chest. Regina cried into his chest and clutched him like he was her lifeline. Robin gave the doctors a look that told them he could handle it and leave them alone.
The doctors left the room and asked Emma if she wanted to go in. Emma's eyes were full of tears so she just simply shook her head and was escorted to the waiting room to gather herself.

That left Regina and Robin in the room alone. He continued to rub her back as she slowly stopped crying. Regina heard the steady pace of Robins heartbeat in his chest and found it really soothing. Along with his even breaths. She followed his pattern and began breathing normally.
"Robin?" Regina asked faintly.
"Yes love." He answered in the same tone.
"Don't leave." She said.
"Of course. I would never leave you—"
"No, don't leave me here. Please, stay with me. I don't like this place. You only come here for two things, to live or to die. I don't know which one I'm for but right now, I don't want either—"
"No no no. Don't talk like that." Robin lifted her off of his chest to sit in front of him but it didn't last long. Regina just laid back in his arms, refusing to be anywhere else. He sighed and just let her stay there while he continued speaking.

"Regina, you will be okay. I know this may be scary right now but I'm always here for you. No matter what we go through, I will always be here for you." Robin said and kissed her head. "I love you."
Regina smiled and closed her eyes. "I love you too."
The door slowly opened to reveal a very shaken up Emma Swan. She walked in and sat on a chair next to the bed.
"Is she.." Emma asked making motions to represent sleeping.
Robin looked down at her peaceful state in his arms a half smile made its way onto her face.
'She must be dreaming of something good' he thought.
"Yeah she is." Robin said. "But she's a light sleeper so..."
"Ahh. Got it." Emma whispered. "So, What happened to Regina?"
"She was just scared. Scared of...dying I guess."
Emma face turned from happiness to fear in a second.
"She told me the hospital is where people go to live or die and I guess she thinks she's here for the sad one."
"Robin what would make her think she's going to die?"
At the word 'die', Regina's heart rate seemingly increased along with her breathing becoming uneven. She started moving slightly and began shaking. Her eyes never opened.
"Hey, Regina. I'm here. It's okay, calm down. Your safe with me." Robin spoke and rubbed her arm. She became more steady in everything as he placed a kiss on her head.
"What was—"
"I have no idea. It's what she's been going through. I don't know when this is going to stop. Or if for that matter. I just.."
"Robin," Emma's hand rested on his knee. "She's going to be okay. Regina's a strong girl."
"I know but honestly ...I'm scared Emma. What if this...thing never goes away and she's scared like this forever. Regina deserves better than this I just ...don't know how to give it to her."
Suddenly, a cloud of green smoke circled in the room and a figure appeared from it.

"Hey Robin, how's life?"


Robin looked at the man in the room.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?"

"Ah right. You don't remember me. Well, we met in Camelot and uh...I'll let you find out the rest on your own. Anyways, Regina looks a little sick there doesn't she."  Arthur said.
Robin held her tighter as she began to squirm. Regina stopped moving and Robin looked back at Arthur.

"What do you want?"

"Your child."

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