Chapter 13

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The makeshift family was in the Camelot hospital, waiting for any news of the young boy. Robin was pacing the floor while Regina, Meg and Henry were all sitting. Tapping feet and shifting in seats filled the silence in the room.
"Robin Locksley?" A kind nurse called from the two double doors. The four stood and met the nurse.
"Roland is resting right now in his hospital room. If the kids want to go there..."
"Um yeah," Henry had gotten a hint of 'we don't want you to hear this' vibe and answered. "What room?"
"209" the nurse replied. Henry smiled a small smile while thanking her and dragging Meg with him to Rolands room. The nurse then turned to look at the two adults who had question written on their faces.
"You are Rolands dad, correct?" She asked, her gaze shifting to Robin, who nodded eagerly.
"And... your his mom?" The nurse asked Regina. She looked at Robin, as if to ask for permission to take on that role.
"Something like that." Regina decided to say. The nurse was confused at first, but then decided not to question it.
"Okay. I just have to make sure nobody else is here posing as his mother and father." The nurse explained, even though Regina and Robin did not question any of it.
"So, we ran a CAT scan to see what actually happened to Roland and we didn't fina anything in particular wrong with his brain. After we ran some more tests, we soon found out that Roland was poisoned." The nurse paused, not for dramatic effect, but because she couldn't even begin to imagine having to hear 'your 6 year old child was poisoned.' So she gave Regina and Robin a minute to... react to this.
Regina turned to Robin, who stood in shock, while tears began to burn behind her eyes. She did not want them to fall. She didn't let them fall. Not yet anyways.
Robin didn't even know how to react. This was his only biological son and he had been poisoned.
"We do believe the poison was in his food because  him being the age he is, wouldn't take anything like this willingly. The poison was dangerous if you drunk a whole vile, resulting to death but Roland only seemed to take in a drop or two so he will be just fine. I can take you to his room if you'd like?" The nurse smiled.
"Um... yeah-yes please." Regina stuttered. The nurse smiled and took the back to Roland's room. When they entered, they saw Roland sitting up in his bed, interacting with Meg and Henry. All were smiling and laughing. Roland turned his head and his face lit up when he saw Robin and Regina.
"Papa! Mama!" He exclaimed. Regina smiled softly while walking over to him. She held back the tears again. Daring them to fall. But didn't let them.
"Hi Roland. How are you feeling?" Regina asked, sitting on his bed and rubbing his tiny chest softly.
"Okay. My head and tummy still hurt but that's okay." He replied with a smile.
Still a happy boy.
"Your so strong." She whispered.
"That's what papa tells me." Roland smiled and hugged Regina. She kissed his head, thankful he was still there with her.
Who in their right mind would poison a 6 year old boy? Unless... their not in their right mind. Unless their so heartless they'd do anything for revenge. Unless—

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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