Chapter 6

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Arthur walked back to the room with the dagger in his hand and no Regina.
"We've retrieved the dagger but Regina said she needed to go back to her bedchamber to rest. She wasn't feeling well." Arthur lied to his peers. Robin looked to Emma then thought, 'Regina would've told me if she wasn't feeling good. At the very least I would've known she wasn't feeling well. Somethings up.'

Robin turned to Emma and pulled her away from the group.
"Emma, something's up. Regina felt perfectly fine when she left. I think I sh—"
"Robin! Relax. I'm sure she okay and she probably felt sick while getting the dagger so she went back. Regina's a strong girl, everything will be okay." Emma reassured him.
Robin took a deep breath and nodded.
"Yeah your right. Maybe she did start to feel sick..... but I should still go check on her. I mean, if she's sick I should be there to help her."
Robin left the blonde in the corner chuckling as he left the room.

Robin walked out of the door and went a little way down the hall before turning around, realizing he forgot something. As he walked back to the room, he quickly looked to his left and for a split second, he saw an unconscious body laying on the floor. His head jolted towards the room double checking his vision.

That's when he noticed the deep brown hair and the red velvet dress. He noticed the well manicured hands and diamond bracelet. That's when he noticed was Regina.

Robin raced on the ground next to the unconscious form and held her in his arms.
"Regina.....what happened to you?" He whispered. Her body was cold and non moving. Robin held her in an attempt to warm her body. Then, he checked her pulse. Thankfully, it was there, but she was barely breathing.
"Come on Regina. Come back to me. Please, I need you." He said as a tear fell from his cheek.

He had taken Regina to their bed chamber so when she wakes up, she would be comfortable. Robin lay on her stomach, whispering sweet nothings to his child. He talked to the baby and told them stories until he eventually fell asleep on her stomach.

An hour later, Regina felt a heavy, man like weight against her stomach. Arthur being the last person she remembers, she panicked thinking it was him but when she opened her eyes, they were filled with love, not fear.


She smiled at the sight of Robin asleep on her stomach. Her hand made its way to the back of his neck to play with the tuffs of toffee colored hair. Regina felt a pulse of light magic in her stomach and chuckled knowing that it would wake him up. Robin started to squirm and blink his eyes open. Regina try to lay as still as possible, not wanting him to know she was awake.

"You can't blast magic right now. You might wake up mommy." He said quietly placing a delicate hand over her stomach.

"Eh. You get used to it." Regina said with a smile.
He looked up towards her.
"Hello." She said plainly with a chuckle.

Robin sat up and kissed her passionately. When he pulled away he looked in her chocolate brown eyes. She stared deeply in his ocean blue eyes.

"What happened? Did Arthur do this? I knew it, I never should've let you go with him. It's my fault. I should've been there to protect you. I shouldn't blame you for my scardness, I should blame mys—"
His rambling was cut off with a kiss to the lips.
"Shhh." Regina said once she pulled away.

"Robin, I will tell you what happened but you have to promise me, you won't go and kill Arthur—"
"So Arthur did do this! I'm going to—"

"Robin! Listen to yourself! This isn't you. Yes, he choked me and put me and our child in danger. Yes, he probably lied to you and said I was...sleeping or something. But that doesn't mean you should go kill him. Robin," Regina grabbed his hand in hers, "I know your upset but the important thing is, I'm alive. We both are. Arthur will get a fate that he deserves from doing this. Just don't show that it got to you. Okay?"

He looked in her eyes. Robin could usually tell when she was hiding the pain and sorrow. Today, she wasn't. She was genuinely telling him to let it go. Telling him everything was going to be alright.

Robin sighed and kissed her hand.
"For you, I'll let it go. But if anything else happens—"
"Then you can take action. I just know what this does, once you get 'revenge' on someone it doesn't stop. It darkens your heart and you can never come back from it."

"I know. And I won't let it happen. I promise."


Regina smiled and gave him a kiss.

Two weeks later

Everyone gathered in Regina and Robin's bedchamber.
"Okay everyone. We need a plan." David started.
"How are we supposed to get the dagger back if there are guards swarming the castle?" Killian asked.
"We could create a diversion? That way we could just sneak in." Belle suggested.
Regina rolled her eyes from her seat on the bed.
"No no. That'll be to obvious. I'm thinking take them by surprise. That way they won't see us coming."
Regina slapped her forehead and laid back on the bed.
"Are you guys forgetting? I have magic I can just poof into Arthur's bedroom." Emma said.
Regina scoffed. All the looks sifted towards her.
"Anything you'd like to say Regina?" Snow asked.
"Not if you don't want to hear it." She said sitting up on the bed.
"Spit it out. What were you thinking?" Killian rolled his eyes.
"I'm thinking going in the front....susicide. Diversion........Arthur hides the sword and dagger, you need it on him and you could poof right in front of a blade. Oopsie!" She covered her mouth to mock being surprised. "You need to sneak in so quietly, no one knows you there."
"How? Hang Glider? Ooo giant slingshot!—"
David said sarcastically.
"If Sir-Castic would let me speak I'd tell you that I wasn't idol, during those dreadful days of being sick—I found a way out. And if I know a way out, I know a way in."

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