Chapter 4

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Regina was walking through the forest one night. It's where she always went when she had to think. She figured it was about midnight and Robin was already looking for her so she decided to head back. When she was on her way back, she heard something behind her. Turn around, it seemed to tell her. There stood Emma.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to disrupt."
Regina sighed and a hand glided over her stomach.
"No it's fine. I was just heading back. What are you doing out here?"
"Well since they don't really have the docks here, I came here to think." She replied.
"Hmm. That makes—"
Regina stopped mid-sentence and a soft hand went over her stomach. She smiled a little.
"Did you feel that?"
Emma looked at her.
"Feel what?"
Regina's eyes widened "nevermind." She turned to walk away but was stopped by Emma.
She turned around. "Yes?"
"What did you feel?"
Regina sighed and went closer to her friend.
"If I tell you this you can't tell anyone. Not Henry.
Not Killian and definitely not your parents."
Emma nodded.
"For the past ... couple of weeks I've been feeling an impulse of light my stomach...because I'm pregnant."
She bit her lip and Emma smiled.
"Regina! That's amazing. I'm so happy for you and Robin." She gave her a hug.


"You haven't told him yet, have you?"

Regina shook her head and Emma rolled her eyes.
"I know...I'll tell him. I just don't know when. I'm scared of what he's going to say."
"Look," Emma put her hands on Regina shoulders. "Robin is going to be so happy. You have nothing to worry about."
She hugged her and they both headed back in the castle.
Rustling sounded through the forest as a figure made its way into the clearing.


"Well I guess we will have a new heir to the throne after all."

The next morning
Regina woke up with Robins arms wrapped around her. She looked up at him and smiled a little. When she tried to move, his grip tightened around her. Regina rubbed his forearm and he started to wake up. Robin kissed her head but didn't open his eyes.
"Robin, I need to get up." She whispered softly.
"Because I have to figure out how to get the darkness out of Emma so we can go home."
Robin rolled his eyes open and let go of her. She slipped under his arms and onto the cold floor. Robin decided to get up too. They both changed into their Camelot attire and before leaving, Regina looked in the mirror. She noticed her tiny stomach and thought about when she was going to tell him.
"I need to tell him now." She thought. "If I don't, I'll start showing and then he'll have to find out that way. It's better if I just tell him and get it over with."
Regina turned to Robin and walked towards him.
"Robin.." She said. He turned around.
"Are you busy right now?" She asked stalling.
He looked at her.
"No. Wh-"
"Good because I need to tell you something." She said grabbing his hand. Regina led him to the middle of the room, away from all things that could distract her.
"Okay. What is it?" He asked smiling. His accent warmed her heart and his eyes touched her soul. She didn't know if she could do it. She felt the baby's magic building inside her stomach and she started to feel like she was going to faint.


His voice brought her back to reality. She grabbed his arms to remain steady.
"Are you okay?"
She nodded faintly and decided she had to tell him.
"Robin there's something I need to tell you. And I've been waiting some time to tell you because I didn't know how you'd react to it."

"Okay, what is it?"
She took a breath.

"I'm pregnant."
His whole world stopped. A smile appeared on his face which made the fear from Regina's fade away. He picked her up and spun her three times before remembering the how dizzy she looked earlier. She laughed and kissed him as her feet hit the ground.

"You're happy about this?" She asked looking deeply in his eyes.
"Regina, of course I'm happy about this. I would never be upset about a thing you do. Or we do." A smirk appeared on his face. She rolled her eyes and smiled.
"Does anybody else know?" He asked.
"Just Emma but I... kind of... gave it away." She said as he chuckled.
"Do me a favor though, don't tell anyone. I don't want it getting out to—Arthur's kingdom or something. I'm— I don't know. Scared I guess. It's just, we're in this new land with people we've never met before and things we've never seen before and just the thought of you or this baby—our baby getting just might kill me..."
"Hey," his hand reached her cheek. "Stop thinking. We're here now, and this is true. As long as I live, nobody will hurt our child. I promise."
Regina nodded as he kissed her again. Little did the know, just outside the door of their bedchamber, stood Arthur listening to their entire conversation.
"Well then," he said to himself quietly. "I guess we're just going to have to make sure something happens to their precious child. Won't we?"

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