Chapter 2

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Camelot (6 weeks earlier)
Regina, Robin, Snow, David, Belle, Roland, Henry, Killian and Emma were all welcomed into the courtyard of King Arthur's castle. As they stopped near the elegant staircase, Arthur welcomed his wife, Guinevere as she walked down the stairs.
"We have prepared a ball, in honor of your arrival. We do hope you enjoy seeing as, we've had more than enough time to prepare." Arthur said as he escorted the group to their bed chambers.

He had taken them down a long, stone hallway. One wall had doors on it and the other had tapestries hanging on it as they symbolized the kingdom.
"Here you are. 5 bedchambers. I've been told we have some ...relationships throughout this group.
"Yes, we do. And children as well." Snow confirmed.

Arthur eyes the two children and smiled. The boys smiled faintly. As soon as his eyes were off of Roland, he walked quickly behind Regina and Robin. The couple let out a tiny chuckle seeing as Roland hugged Regina's leg for his life.

"Well, you can divide each other into the rooms—the boys have a room with two beds in it. Just in case you walk in it. We will see you tonight." Arthur said walking away. The group looked at one another. They all split up, going into different rooms.

In Regina and Robin's room, there was a queen size bed in the middle of the room and they had a beautiful view of the kingdom from 2 stories above. There were two wardrobes in there, one for her and one for him. Curtains draped over the windows, floor to ceiling, arched window with nightstands in either side of the bed. There was a couch on the far wall and a chair by the window. A rug lye in the middle of the floor to tie it all together.

Regina sat on the bed with frustration clouding her eyes.
"Regina..." Robin made his way to her. "What's going on?"
"Nothing, I'm fine." She lied. Robin inched closer and Regina stood and tried to get away but he grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him.
"I know when your hiding something. What's going on?" Robin said.
Regina's chocolate eyes met Robin's ocean blue as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Tears formed behind her eyes.
"I don't know if I can do this. Being the Savior...nobody believes in me." She said coming to a whisper.
"Regina...I believe in you. I know you will be able to free Merlin from the tree and we can get out of here. Just have faith in yourself. Have hope." He said. Regina laughed a little wiping the tears from her eyes.
"You sound like Snow."

"Maybe that's a good thing."
Hours later

They all arrived at the ball dressed in their Camelot attire. David and Killian stood at the bottom of the staircase as their lovers names were announced and they appeared at the top of the staircase. Emma made eye contact with Killian as her and Snow were escorted down the stairs. They got to the bottom and were greeted by their lovers.
"Swan, you look—"

"I know."
They both said quietly as they made their way to the crowd.

"Now presenting, the savior!" The announcer said as Regina appeared at the top of the staircase and Robin stood at the bottom. His eyes locked on hers full of love. The audience clapped and as she looked out, she made eye contact with him and slightly smiled. Regina was escorted to Robin who then took her hand and led her to the middle of the ballroom. The music started and all the couples started dancing. Following the same routine, having different smiles. In the middle of the dance, Robin pulled Regina closer to him and locked his lips in his. She smiled into the kiss and pulled away, both not knowing where they were in the dance.

A man walked up to the couple.
"May I cut in? It would be an honor to dance with the savior." The two looked at each other as Robin backed up. He stood on the side and watched his queen dance with him. Regina let a light chuckle out of her mouth and danced with him.

"I trust your having a lovely evening." He said.
"Yes everything's—" she looked over and saw Henry talking to a girl.
"Who's that girl talking to my son?" She asked.
"The real question is ...who are you?"
Regina smiles a laughed in an awkward way.
"What do you mean?"

"Let me tell you a story. There was a boy, in a village. One day, that village burned down. The boy hid, not knowing where his family was. Through all the flames he saw someone. He thought that person would save him. But she didn't, she made eye contact with the boy and killed a villager."
He stopped with her arm over her head mid spin.
"You were the boy."
"And you were the Evil Queen."

She let go in a subtle yet feisty way. She cleared her throat and ran her hand down her stomach.

"Does anyone else know?" She asked quietly.

"No. Otherwise Arthur would've stopped me from doing this!"

He pulled out a sword as she jumped back with her hand on her stomach.
"REGINA!" Robin ran and tackled the man before he could do anything to hurt her. She was breathing heavily as she watched the two men battle it out on the floor. Everyone stood around them watching the whole thing. Finally, David came and stabbed the man and pushed him on the ground, bleeding to death. Regina rushes on the floor with Robin who had a stab wound in his stomach. Her hands immediately went to his cheek and wound as tears filled to the rim of her eyes.
"Your going to be okay. Robin don't leave me. It's okay."

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