Chapter 13

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"See, that didn't go so bad..." Robin told Regina as they walked back to their bed chamber.
"I know but... that one great review isn't going to change my opinion on hospitals." She clarified. Robin chuckled slightly, "I know my love, I know."
They walked in silence the rest of the way to the chamber before eventually starting another conversation.... baby names.
"What about... Ryder?" Robin asked.
"I thought we both agreed it was a girl?" Regina smirked.
"Well, we could be wrong plus, Ryder can work as a girl name too."
Regina rolled her eyes at that while providing a small smile.
"Okay fine. Girl names, hit me." Robin said, opening the door to their bed chamber and letting her in.
"Hmm. What do you want?"
"Oh so your hoping it's a girl but you don't even have a name in mind?" Robin chuckled. Again, Regina's eyes were rolled, provided with a small smile.
"Actually, I have several in mind but I want to know what you like so I can narrow it down to one or two." She answered, matter-a-factly.
"Hmm. What about, Emily?"
"I mean... it could work but that name... it's kind of generic." Regina answered, plopping down on the bed.
"Maybe a middle name."
Regina gasped. "Your getting close."
Robin, in return, gave her a confused look.
"Luna." She said, sitting up on the bed.
"You want to name our daughter Luna?"
"Yes. Luna means moon. You, being Robin Hood and all, had to sleep in a tent... under the moon and stars." Regina explained. Robin noticed the sparkle in her eye while she gave the backstory for the name and smiled.
"You really like that name?" He asked. Regina nodded.
"Maybe. You know, there's a name that means lion.. for a girl." Robin said, grabbing both of her hands.
"Oh yeah? What is it?" She smiled.
"Well, it technically means lioness but it doesn't matter." He clarified. "Aria."
Regina was holding her breath, bracing herself for whatever name he threw at her but... she actually liked it.
"Aria? It's beautiful. And it means lioness..."
She used one hand to lift up his sleeve to reveal his lion tattoo. "Which is the origin of our story."
"So you want to use this name?" He asked to clarify. Regina nodded and she stood up to wrap her arms around his neck.
"You know our minds might change in the next 7 months... right?"
"Yeah but I'm sure this'll stick." Regina smiled.
Robin nodded and pressed a kiss to her lips, after saying 'I love you' to her.
"MOM! ROBIN!" Was heard through the doors of the couples bedchamber. Regina and Robin both exchanged fearful looks before rushing to the kids room.
"What is it?" Robin asked opening the door.
"Henry are you okay?" Regina asked frantically.
"I'm fine but Roland isn't." Henry replied with a worried tone.
"What do you me-"
Regina looked in the teenagers lap to see a limp little boy.
"Oh my gosh." She said, lifting Roland into her arms.
"What happened?" Robin asked, looking over to his son.
"We were just talking and playing games when he told us he was cold. Then I got him a jacket and he.... fainted. It could've been the jacket I got him or somethi-"
"Meg, it's not your fault," Regina handed Roland to Robin and helped the two teens off of the floor.
"Not yours either Henry. We just need to know what caused this."
"So he's going to be okay?" Henry asked.
Regina hesitated a little before nodding.
"Does he have a pulse?" Regina asked, looking at Robin. He searched and eventually found it.

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