Chapter 8

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Killian, David, Robin and Regina entered the room slowly. Each had their weapons in hand and eyes alert.
"Where's the dagger?" David asked.
Suddenly, they felt a breeze blow past them and saw a cloud of green smoke appear. Robin absentmindedly moved in front of Regina
with a slightly cautious hand in front of her stomach. The other two stood guard, both with swords pointed towards the magical swirl of green.

Arthur emerged from the cloud with the dagger in hand and Excalibur in his belt.
"Well well. Looks like we have a party going on here. What's the occasion?" He said sarcastically.
"Arthur?" David was astonished to see him. "You have magic?"
"I have many things including magic. Now, would you like to tell me why your here or am I going to have to make you tell me why your here?"

The group stayed silent for a minute not wanting to execute their plan to him.
"Oh well. I guess I'm going to have to use my other ...weapon against you." Arthur let an evil smile pierce his face. "Zelena!"

The four heroes looked back and forth between each other. At the sound of her sisters name, Regina grabbe Robins hand in front of her. He turned around slightly, getting the message of her pulling his arm.
"Regina, it's oka—"
"What if it's not? What if she finds out about the baby? What if she tries to kill it? What if she—"
Robin turned around fully with his hands on her shoulders.
"I will not let that happen. I promise Regina. And if she does find out, then I just have to protect you even more. Don't worry, it'll be oka-"

Robins hope speech was interrupted by Arthur.
"Aww. Look at the couple. You two are just adorable, you know, I've always wanted you guys to work out. I am so glad you are finally starting a—"
But before he could finish his taunting, Regina closed her fist towards him and he shut up. Zelena emerged from the door in the back with two people with gags in their mouths.
"Hi guys!"
She was her usual annoying peppy self. Zelena through Snow and Belle in the chairs of the round table. Regina looked up at her sister and angry immediately took over her features.

Her immediate reaction was to run up to her and punch her but Robin held her back before she could.
"Snow! Let her go!" David yelled.
Zelena leaned on the chair.
"Ooo. Daddy's angry. Ah, let's undo that." She waved her hand over to Arthur and he was able to talk again.
"Hi babe. So nice to see you again." Arthur had a flirty tone as he put his arms around her waist. Zelena smiled and kissed him causing the others to gag.

"Your dating....him?!" Regina asked full of disapproval.
Zelena rolled her eyes at the sound of her half sisters voice. "Yes but you have no room for disapproving my choice of men. Seeing as you are with a thief that lives in the woods and sleeps in dirt. " Zelena snarled. Regina was quick to snap back until she felt a hand on her shoulder reassuring her it was okay.


Regina backed down but her gaze stayed on her half sister.
"Now, Arthur, What should we do with these.....heroes?" Zelena asked her boyfriend.
"They are here the dagger ...send them away. I'm not taking any chances." He answered, his gaze never leaving them.
"Where are you going to send us?" Killian snapped.
"Oh nowhere, special." Zelena replied as she waved them away. Once Zelena and Arthur were in the room alone, he turned to her with his hands on her waist.
"How's the little one?" He asked as a hand glided to her stomach. Hers met his to rest atop their unborn child.
"Hungry." Zelena chuckled.
"Well, after we handle these dreadful heroes, maybe we can get something to eat. Besides that, Regina has not spoken of her pregnancy to anybody but Robin and Emma. What do you want to do?"
Zelena thought for a moment.
"You do need an heir to the throne right? Since Guinevere's death, there will be nobody to rule Camelot once your gone."
"I know. I just don't want to put our child in the hands of such an ungrateful kingdom."
"That's why it's not going to be our child. Once Regina and Robin get home they will be back with their little family. Roland, Henry and Meg. Since Meg obviously likes her father than her mother, she's going to stay with them. Anyways, they'll be too busy to even think about the child in Regina's stomach. What's the harm in taking it?"
Arthur smiled at Zelena.
"I like that plan. But one problem, Regina's only a month pregnant. If we use magic to speed it up, she'll get suspicious of who would do it."

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