Chapter 10

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"No! You can't make me!"
"Regina just li-"
"Robin I am not going!"
Robin moved her out of the doorframe and checked out into the hallway making sure nobody came out of their rooms. He closed the door and leaned her against the wall. Regina's arms crossed over her stomach and her eyes never left the ground.
"Look at me." He said. She slowly lifted her head and met his gaze.
"This is just an appointment to check on the baby. I know you hate hospitals but this may not even be a real one. Everything's going to be fine and we may even see her." Robin reassured her. Tears filled the rim of her eyes and fear took over her features.
"But what if everything's not fine? What if something is wrong with her? Robin I can't lose my baby. I don't want to go!" She retaliated. Robin sighed and pulled her into his chest, her tears damping his shirt. He kissed her head and rubbed her back.
"Everything will be fine. I will be with you every step of the way." Robin said trying to convince her. She sniffled and wiped her tears. Then Regina sighed and looked at him, her chocolate eyes breaking his heart, and nodded.
"Fine. We can go."
Robin smiled while Regina still looked scared.

They made their way to the kids room and opened the door. Roland was playing with his toys provided and Henry was on his phone. Meg sat in the corner texting someone.
"Guys, we're going to see the—"
But Robin stopped himself realizing they never told the kids about the baby. He turned to Regina and whispered,
"They don't know."
"Today is not going as planned." Regina groaned. "We can tell them."
Both adults entered the room and sat on the empty bed. Robin signaled for Roland and Meg to join Henry on the bed across from them. The three kids sat in a line on the edge of the bed while the two adults sat on another one.
"Oo! Can I guess what this meeting is about?" Meg exclaimed.
"Yeah! Are we moving when we get home? Or is....grandma coming to town?" Henry said. Everyone shuddered at the sound of 'grandma' knowing he was referring to Cora.

"Or maybe we're getting a puppy!" Roland chuckled. Meg rubbed his curls playfully and replied,
"You only said that because you want a puppy."

Robin chuckled. 
"No it's nothing like that. But to be fair, Roland was the closest than Henry."
All the kids gasped and looked at Roland who was in shock himself.
"Are we getting a cat?" Henry asked.
"Is it a dog?" Roland corrected himself.
Meg thought for a minute and gasped as tears filled her eyes.
"Mom...are you..."
Regina looked at her and nodded. Meg's tears flowed down her face as she stood up slowly and wrapped her arms around Regina. The boys looked confused as to what she was crying about. Meg rested her head on Regina's shoulder as Regina rubbed her arm.

Meg looked at the expression on the boys faces and chuckled. 
"You guys are so stupid" she sniffed. Henry looked at her still trying to decipher the riddle.
"We're getting another one of us!" Meg said. Henry gasped.
"Mom! That's awesome. Congrats!" He exclaimed, hugging his mother. Little Roland was the only one left clueless.
Robin sighed and looked at his son.
"Papa why is Meg crying?" He asked. Robin looked at Regina and they both knelt down in front of Roland.
"Hello my little knight." Regina whispered to him.
"Hi mama." Roland said looking at his parents, confusion flooding his features.
"Roland, you are not going to be the youngest anymore." Robin started.
"Why?" He asked as if the answer was obvious.
"Because, Mama has a baby in her tummy and when the baby is ready to come meet you, it will be younger than you. So it is your responsibility to protect her from all danger."
"Wait, it's a girl?!" Meg exclaimed.
"Hopefully!" Robin replied. Regina mouthed a 'yes' to her.
"So....the baby is going to come and I have to keep it safe?" Roland asked to clarify.
"Yes. And that also means you have to be more careful with Mama. We don't want her to get hurt. Okay?" Robin said. Roland nodded and hugged his parents.

Regina and Robin both stood and faced the older kids.
"Okay, we have to go to a doctor appointment but we'll be back soon." Robin told them. Regina rolled her eyes at the word 'doctor.' She walked out the room and Robin stayed for a minute.
"God I hope this one isn't stubborn like someone I know." He sighed. The older kids laughed as watched the two walk down the stone hallways.
Sorry for the short part, I'll probably update again later just to make up for lost time.

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