Chapter 5

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That afternoon, Snow, David, Emma, Belle, Regina and Robin were all in Merlin's workshop. They had all of his items and books to work with so they could free Merlin faster. Each of them had a book, reading one after another. They mixed ingredients and tested solutions but nothing seemed to work.
"What if we get a sample? That way we could run tests on it." Belle suggested looking through the books again.
"Yeah and when we snap off a twig and it turns into a finger who's crying then? Someone, Witchbane." Regina sarcastically stated.

Emma sighed and looked towards them.
"Are you sure you don't want me to just...wiggle my nose and get him out of there?"

"No." Snow replied forcefully.
"Your magic is dark now. It's not"
Regina's words came to a whisper as her hands grabbed the table in front of her and she closed her eyes. Robin noticed and slyly walked over to her. He heard the labored breaths of Regina. His hand rested on her lower back seeing she was beginning to lose her balance.

"Deep breaths Regina. In and out." He whispered in her ear. She nodded and turned around to act like she was looking out the window behind her. Robin knew she didn't like to show weakness in front of everyone so he led her out of the room quickly without anyone noticing. They stopped at the bottom of the stairwell when she couldn't move anymore. Regina continued her breathing as a hand rested on her stomach. Robin held her free hand and continued rubbing her back.

A few tears streamed down her face. He wiped them with his thumb and kissed her hairline. She buried her face in his chest as her labored breaths became more normal. Regina let out a breath and looked up at him, tears glossing over her chocolate colored eyes.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to her.
She nodded.
"I think so. That one hurt. Badly." Regina rubbed a hand over her stomach.
"What was it?" Robin asked with curiosity.
"Whenever I feel sick, the baby will try to heal me with her magic. Then I start to feel dizzy and like I'm going to faint.—"
"Her?" He smiled slightly.
She smiled. "I have a feeling."

"Anyway, this time, it didn't help never does...but this time, it caused pain in my stomach. Almost like a—contraction. And on top of that it caused me to feel faint." She finished.

"Well, What can you do to stop it?"
"Stay with you. As long as I have something anchoring me to reality, I would pass out. Or at least that's what I've experienced." Regina smiled. Robin interlocked their fingers and kissed her. He led her back up stairs but stopped before entering the room.
"Are you sure you want to go back in there? With all this magic around, it could cause you to be sick or at least, feel sick." He asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I promise, I'll tell you if I feel anything or if anything is wrong."
He led her back in the room and everyone looked at them.
"I didn't know you guys left." David stated. "Everything okay?"
Robin gave Regina a look of question 'should we tell him of the pregnancy?'
Regina eyed Emma giving her the same look. She looked back to Robin and shook her head slightly.
"Not yet." She whispered to him. Regina turned back to David.
"We just...needed to—talk to Roland for a minute." She lied. Robin smiled at her and let a little chuckle out. Emma laughed silently at Regina's lie.

David bought it though. He, Snow and Belle were completely convinced. They all shrugged and went back to work. Regina let out the breath she didn't know she was holding and laughed silently.

The next day Arthur called all of them to a meeting in the room with the round table in it. He told them of Excalibur and if they could form it with its other half then they could use it to take the darkness out of Emma.
"Well where is Excalibur? If we have it maybe we can start forging it." Killian asked.
"I have it of course and I would love to give it to you but seeing as we don't have the Dark One dagger, you couldn't start forging it anyway." Arthur stated.
"But...Regina knows where it is." Emma said gesturing towards her. "Right?"
Arthur looked at her with a devilish smile.
She turned towards Arthur at the sound of her name.
"Do you know where the Dark One dagger is?" He asked.
"Yeah. I am the one that hid it." She replied. Arthur smiles his devilish smile again.
"Excellent. We will go get that and the rest of you can work on getting Merlin out of that tree."
As he stood, He guestered for Regina to stand with him. Before she could, Robin held her wrist to the armrest on the chair.
"Are you sure you want to go with him? Like you said, we don't know these people." He asked concerned.
"Robin, Arthur was kind enough to welcome a bunch of strangers into his home. The heart of the kingdom. This is the least we could do. Besides, the room the dagger is in is just across the hall. I'll be back in a minute." She reassured him.
"Hey—" He said as she stood up from her chair. "Be careful."
Regina smiled and kissed him quickly.
Arthur led her out the door and she took the lead from then. Robin watched as they walked out the door just as Emma came up to him.
"She'll be okay." Emma said.
"Yeah. She will."
Regina led Arthur just across the hallway to the room where the dagger was being held. She went to the closet the dagger was in.
"The dagger is in here. I just have to take the protection spell off of it."
Arthur smiles his devilish smile as she took the spell off of it. Regina grabbed the dagger and when she turned around, her breathing stopped and she could no longer feel the floor beneath her feet.

Arthur was choking her.

Regina dropped the dagger and her hands shot to her throat and stomach.

"Regina, Regina. How could you be so naive? You are willing to give a guy you just met power over the Dark One, man. You should've listened to your thief."

Eyes rimmed with red as tears threatened to spill as she continued to try to breath.

"Thank you for giving me the dagger. I really appreciate it. Now, I would just like to tell you," his hand reached her stomach and she flinched at the contact. "congratulations! It's a girl! She is going to make a lovely heir to Camelot."

He let out a sinister laugh as his hand retracted from her stomach. Regina's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she heard the words 'kill your child' before she passed out.

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