Chapter 7

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The next morning, Regina led them to a farther off area from the castle. It looked like a cave but was a tunnel. There was a massive metal grate covering it with, what looks to be a lion, in the middle of it.
"Huh. So ...where does this lead?"
Robin asked.
"It leads to the courtyard. If there aren't any guards or anything swarming around, this should be fairly easy." Regina replied.

She waved a hand in front of the large metal grate dissipating it into nothing with a purple aura going over it.
"Alright...I think two of us should stay back. Just in case somebody comes through here." David suggested. Everyone agreed.
Snow raised a hand slightly, "I'll do it."
Belle offered as well.
"Okay. Let's go—"
"Wait! David." Snow said grabbing his arm as he collided into her with a kiss. She chuckled into the kiss and pulled away.
"Be careful."
"Always." David smiled.

Killian, David, Robin and Regina walked through the tunnel. Robin held Regina's hand through the darkness with Killian behind them and a sword drawn from both Killian and David in front of them.

They got to a clearing and everyone pushed themselves against the walls of the tunnels. Killian eyed a cauldron smoking, being carried by two guards.
"Do you suppose that's for us?" Killian whispered.
"I don't think we want to find out." Regina replied.
David gave the okay for moving on through the castle hallways. Robin immediately put a hand  in front of Regina warning them all to stop. Guards came out the door they needed to go into. Once they passed, David and Killian continued. Regina tried but Robin stopped her. She looked at him confused.

"Regina. Look at me." He said gently. Her eyes avoided him for a minute then they found his loving gaze in his ocean blue eyes. He saw the subtle pain and sorrow behind her chocolate brown eyes.

"Hey, what's going on?" Robin asked wiping a tear from her eye. She softly rolled her eyes closed and let another tear fall.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"Really. I'm okay."

He didn't believe her. He never does when she says that. Robin decided to leave that conversation alone and talk about it another time.
"Okay well, I need you to promise me something."
She nodded.
"I need you to promise that you'll tell me if something is wrong. If you feel uncomfortable or sick in anyway, please. Tell me." 

Regina looked away from his loving look. Her eyes clouded with tears as she returned his loving gaze.
"I promise." She whispered as another tear fell down her cheek. Robin hugged her and she buried her face in his chest and softly cried.
"What's going on baby." He whispered and rubbed her back. Regina tried catching her breath to tell him but she couldn't.

"Arthur.....h-h-he......told me tha.....that he... was going k-k-kill....our child."
She said with a shaky voice. Robin held her shaking body and tried to hide the tears destin to spring out of his eyes. Alas, he didn't do so well.

Robin kissed her head and rubbed her back, determined to calm her down with himself.
"Regina, listen to me. I promise, nothing will hurt you or our baby. Okay?"
Regina traded her crying for occasional sniffles. She nodded as Robin let her go to look in her eyes.
"Hey, your too beautiful to cry." He said wiping the tears from her eyes. She smiled and looked down.

"Now, let's go get that dagger so we can go home."
Sorry this part is really really short😬

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