Chapter 3

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They all rushed in a room full of magic and Merlin's items. Regina cleared everything off of the table and David and Killian put him on it. Regina stayed at his side and everyone else stayed back. She waved her hand over his wound. He lifted up but went back down.

"Wha—no." She said.

"Why isn't it working?" Killian asked. She looked around and then to the sword.
She waved her hand over it and gasped.
"Because the sword was enchanted to killed me. My magic can't heal him." She said as tears filled her eyes. She turned to Emma.
"Emma. Please, save him."

"I—don't know what will happen if I use my magic again." She replied.

"Regina she can't risk it. She has dark magic now." David said.
A little tear fell from Regina's eye but she tried not to acknowledge it because she didn't cry in front of anyone but Robin.

"I know her magic is dark but it can still heal him and I wasn't asking you I—I was asking Emma." She said and turned back to Emma.

"Please. I've lost love before, and I won't again."

Emma nodded faintly and she walked over to Robin. Her hand slowly went over his entire body as gold and white waves of magic were sent through his body. The wound closed and Robin gasped for air. Emma and Regina has the same look of shock on their faces. She backed away so Regina could go to Robin.

Regina said and kissed him. Another tear fell down her cheek and landed on his chest. David and Killian helped him sit up as Regina went to Emma.


"No, thank you for saving him. I—don't know where I'd be if he wasn't here. He's the better half of me."

Emma smiled.

"Of course. I couldn't imagine losing love."
They both looked over to their lovers and smiled.

"Also, when I used my magic, it felt—normal."


"Yeah it didn't feel like dark magic. I don't know, it's probably all in my head."

"No Emma, it's not in your head. If you didn't feel dark magic that means you still have light magic."

"But, the darkness filled me. I've felt it before but when I used my magic, I didn't."

The girls looked at each other and thought about why that had happened.

"Anyways, it's nothing to worry about." Emma stayed as they both walked back over to the group.

"Regina..." she turned to the owner of the voice.


She went to him and held his hands. Robin smiled at her.

"What?" She smiled back.
"Nothing. I love you." He said kissing her. She smiled into the kiss.
"I love you too."

Robin, Snow, David, Killian, Emma and Belle began their search for Regina the next day. They searched everywhere, the docks, forest, library. She was nowhere to be found. Then, Robin got a call.

"Hi. Is this Robin Locksley?"

"Yes. Why?"

"This is the Storybrooke hospital, we are calling regarding Regina Mills. You were saved as her emergency contact."

Robin gasped and everyone looked at him.
"It's about Regina." He mouthed to them.

"Yes, what has happened to her?" He said concerned and excited.

"She woke up from her coma and is a little scared and alarmed. We just think she'd like to see you."

Coma? What coma? How did she get in one? Regina was never scared....What the heck happened in Camelot???

"Okay—I am on my way."
Robin left his friends, explaining what happened, to the hospital. When he entered, the doctors told him where she was and to hurry because it was intense. He was a little scared himself. What state was she going to be in? Is she traumatized? How'd she end up here instead of Granny's with everyone else? The thoughts quickly left his mind when he saw her room door. When he opened it he saw Regina on the bed crying and doctors all around her trying to calm her down. She looked like she wanted to get out of there. Robin figured something was preventing her from using her magic because she would've been out of there if she had it. He quickly rushed to the side of her bed and held her hand. At the touch of his hand, her head jerked towards him. She only knew one person that held her hand the way he did. When she looked at him, Regina immediately crawled in his arms. The doctors tried to hold her back but she didn't let them.

Robins arms wrapped around her tightly as he rubbed her back to try to calm her down. She was hyperventilating and tears were spilling out of her eyes.

"Shhh. It's okay. I'm here. Your safe Regina." His voice soothed her as he kept rubbing her back. Regina's breathing never got any better.
"Regina, I need you to breathe. I'm not going anywhere." He told her. She listened and her breathing got more steady.

"What happened to her?" Robin asked one of the doctors.
"When she awoke she was shaking and sweating. Her heart was beating at an unhealthy rate, her breathing was inconsistent." The doctor said.
"Was she crying like this?" He asked looking down at Regina who was starting to doze off in his arms.
"Yes. It was worse. And she kept calling 'Robin'."

Robin thought for a minute. He re-read the symptoms and realized...

"Regina woke up in a panic attack. How long was this going on until I got here?" He asked.

"Half an hour."

"30 minutes? Last time she had one it was at least 3. What happened to her to have it that long?" Robin thought.
"Plus, Regina is a strong girl. She would never cry in front of someone. Especially at the hospital. Last time, the reason she had one was because—we'll it just happened but the state we were in, I think that caused it. I mean, I almost died. That could've been the reason for the last one but this one...what happened?"
Robin was pulled out of his thoughts by the call of his name.

His head shot up from looking at Regina's peaceful state.
"Sorry, Yes?" He said.
"We can run some tests to see what caused her nerves—" before the doctor could finish, Robin cut her off.
"No. She's okay. Um. Any reason why she was in a coma?"
"After she gave birth she—"
"I'm sorry what?"
"Regina had a baby. A very sweet baby girl." The doctor said remembering what the baby looked like.
"Wha—she—where is the baby?" Robin had so many questions. What did she look like? Did she have blue eyes or brown eyes? Was the baby even his? What was her name?
"She's in the other room." The doctor pointed in the direction of the child. "Anyway, after she had the baby, something ripped and she had an emergency surgery. Then she went in the coma and woke up today. She had surgery yesterday, so it wasn't a long coma but it still was one."

Robin was completely awestruck. Full of emotions. He looked down at Regina and smiled. He kissed her head and stroked his hand through her hair.
"We need to have a talk when you wake up." He said and chuckled.

"Your daughter was born on the 15th and her name is ...Aria. Aria Luna Locksley."
Robin smiled a little and nodded. It was the 19th and his daughter was already 4 days old. Then he wondered, did I miss it? Were we in Camelot when she was born? Then, the doctor handed him a bag of Regina's items. Her phone, a hair tie, a necklace, and a ring. He'd never seen this ring before. It looked like an engagement ring.
"Did I propose in Camelot?"
Sorry this chapter was kind of all over the place. I'll try to stay in one place next time. Also, I'm thinking about changing the name. Should I?

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